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New York Republican wrangles with CNN host hitting Trump's economic policies

Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., sparred with CNN host Sara Sidner in a heated debate over which presidential candidate's policies were worse for the economy on Thursday morning.

Sidner asked Lawler to respond to criticism by economists that former President Trump's tariff proposal on Chinese imports would raise prices for consumers. Lawler defended tariffs before arguing that the Biden-Harris administration's policies had contributed to skyrocketing inflation.

Vice President Kamala Harris "presided over the Inflation Reduction Act. She is the one that passed it," Lawler said. "The fact is that has not reduced inflation. It has actually crippled our economy. It has caused groceries to rise. So the reality is this, we have to reverse many of the policies that the Biden-Harris administration has put into effect."

Lawler continued, "Kamala Harris is proposing to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. You want to see the fastest way for companies to move manufacturing back overseas? It’s to do that. That would be disastrous for the economy."


Sidner suggested Harris was "breaking" from some of President Biden's policies, citing her proposal of a smaller tax hike on capital gains than Biden had outlined in his budget proposal earlier this year.

"But you think 28% is good?" Lawler asked, referring back to Harris' proposed corporate tax rate hike. 

"A lot of Americans pay 28%," Sidner replied.

"It will cripple our economy," Lawler said, arguing jobs would be sent overseas.

"And she is proposing massively increasing the federal bureaucracy with trillions of dollars in new spending on top of the 5 trillion that she already spent during the first two years of the Biden administration. Kamala Harris' policies will put us into a recession. There‘s no question about that," he said.


Sidner continued to press the Republican on Trump's tariffs, saying economists believed they "could be a huge tax on consumers."

"Tariffs are a tool to force countries like China not to purchase uranium, petroleum," Lawler responded. "That is something that absolutely should be on the table when Iran is funding terrorism."

"So do you dispute every economist who has come out and said that this is going to make it more difficult for people to afford things that are imported by China and elsewhere?" Sidner asked again.

"Every economist? Please cite me a few," Lawler reacted.

"Literally every economist that is—" Sidner started to respond.

"Name me one," Lawler replied.


Sidner said that Trump's tariff plan has been criticized by Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s, and Goldman Sachs. 

Lawler suggested that CNN was focusing on this one proposal from Trump without looking at the totality of each candidate's economic policies.

"Respectfully, increasing the corporate tax rate is going to have a more profound impact on the economy, increasing personal income taxes….allowing open borders…supporting Medicare for All? It will cripple the economy. And you have no concerns or questions about any of that," he told the CNN host.

Sidner denied Lawler's suggestion and wrapped up the interview on an awkward note.

"I certainly have questions about it and I did ask you about some of her policies--" Sidner said.

"No, you asked me about Donald Trump’s policies," he retorted.

"I asked you about her proposing a 28% tax on those who are," Sidner started to respond before Lawler reminded her that he was the one who brought up Harris' proposal to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%.

The U.S. corporate tax rate was 35% when Trump and congressional Republicans enacted the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017. The law lowered the corporate tax rate to 21% while also reducing personal income taxes for most taxpayers. The Harris campaign announced last month she would raise this rate to 28%.

Harris campaign spokesperson James Singer said the policy is "a fiscally responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share."

Trump's tariff proposal has been met with mixed reaction from economists. Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt defended Trump's economic plan in a statement to CNN about the criticism.

"So-called economists and experts doubted President Trump’s economic plans in his first term. They were proven wrong then and they’ll be proven wrong again … President Trump successfully imposed tariffs on China in his first term AND cut taxes for hardworking Americans here at home – and he will do it again in his second term," Leavitt said in the statement. "President Trump’s plan will result in millions of jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars returning home from China to America."

Fox Business’ Eric Revell contributed to this article.

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