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Georgia school shooting investigators zero in on 14-year-old suspect’s internet history, past: expert

A law enforcement expert weighed in following the tragic mass shooting at a small Georgia high school that left two students and two teachers dead and wounded nine others on Wednesday.

Matthew Fagiana, a retired police sergeant and law enforcement consultant, told Fox News Digital that responding officials are zeroing in on the 14-year-old suspect's past and motive at the start of the investigation.

"Things such as the timeline of the incident. A chronological history of the suspect leading up to the shooting, a deep look into the suspect's past for things such as interactions with the victims, the existence of any indications of violent behavior, statements or social media posts that could help them develop a motive, and recent internet history," he said. 

"And that, of course, only scratches the surface of the investigation," he added.


Fagiana noted that responding agencies, including the FBI's Atlanta field office and Jackson County Sheriff's Office, are combing the scene of Apalachee High School to construct an "accurate picture" of the suspect's pathway through the school.

"I can only assume that the crime scene at the school is quite large," he said. "Those types of scenes require a very meticulous examination and collection of evidence – things like logging locations of evidence, spent casings. They’re going to reconstruct the scene and be able to show an accurate picture of the suspect's entry and his path throughout the shooting."


The 14-year-old suspect surrendered to authorities and was taken into custody following the rampage. Authorities said he is expected to be charged as an adult with murder.

"One important piece of the suspect being taken into custody will be the interviews he provides to investigators," he said. "Any time we have someone who commits a mass killing, one of the most important questions we are trying to answer is the 'why.' And because many school shooters either kill themselves, or are killed by law enforcement to prevent further harm to others, we are often left without the ‘why’ and can only develop theories based on their history and any evidence they leave behind."

"So when a suspect is taken into custody, law enforcement and experts on many levels will hope to use his statements and evaluations as a chance to mitigate the likelihood of these events happening again. I think most people agree that individuals who commit these type of crimes have something psychologically that differs from that of most of us – people who would never consider doing something like this."

Fagiana highlighted the significance of the school resource officers (SRO) who took the student into custody, saying that they "saved lives."


"While we don’t have all the details surrounding the response yet, it’s safe to assume that the moment the SRO took the suspect into custody, more lives were likely saved," he said. "All across America there exist examples of SROs being a very important addition to school security and the safety of our children and teachers. It’s an important piece of the puzzle in our effort to mitigate the likelihood of school shootings."

He noted the importance of balancing the delicacy of the victim's families and informing the community.

"An extremely significant priority is supporting the families of the victims right now. They’re hurting and need answers and law enforcement will remain committed to addressing their needs throughout these next several days," Fagiana said.

"Law enforcement has a few goals in terms of communication at this stage. The main one is to inform and listen to the people in their community who are directly affected by this. And, of course, next is to inform the media and the communities around the world that are watching.

"Law enforcement will work hard to find a balance between providing information that they have but also protecting the integrity of the investigation," he said. "There is a person who will be on trial for murder and their goal is to make sure that whatever information they give out publicly now doesn’t threaten the successful prosecution of this suspect."

The FBI and Jackson County Sheriff's Office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

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