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I worked for Ronald Reagan and I love how liberal critics are upset about the new movie

With regard to the new movie "REAGAN," I fully admit to a very large and enduring bias in favor of the former president. I worked as a writer in the White House of President Ronald Reagan from 1987 until the end of his administration in January 1989. 

More than that, I was blessed to share a deeply personal and emotional moment with the president. He had invited me to the Oval Office to commend me for something I had written. 

As we flowed into a very warm discussion, I mentioned that my parents, like his father, were dysfunctional alcoholics. As soon as I did, he stepped closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder and began to speak about the cruelty of other children when they see your father or parents in such a condition. As he spoke to me, his voice became almost a whisper as he asked me to tell him about my mom and dad. 


No sooner did I do so than his eyes began to fill with tears. Upon seeing that, I am not the least bit embarrassed to say I broke into tears of my own. Taking note of my tears, the leader of the free world stepped in and gave me a hug.  

I had never felt such grace, empathy and kindness. Quite ironically, the reason the president invited me over was to thank me for defending him against the critics of that time.  

Flash ahead to now, and filmmaker Sean McNamara’s exceptional movie "REAGAN" starring Dennis Quaid is in the theaters. Sadly, but quite predictably, it is being savaged by a number of far-left movie critics. Several gloatingly declaring it "the worst movie of the year."  

While these far-left, seemingly soulless haters may be virtually slapping each other on the back for their predictably biased and unprofessional attacks on the film and our 40th president, they are forgetting — or purposefully ignoring — one critical fact. That being, Ronald Reagan was a man of the people.  

Americans from all walks of life loved him because he was one of them. He had walked in their shoes and they knew it. Not the least bit surprisingly, while these insuffable critics — who oftentimes exist only to tear down the blood, sweat, and tears of truly creative people — look down their entitled noses at "REAGAN," the people absolutely love it.  

Those who have seen the movie are not only giving it an amazing 98% "fresh" audience score on "Rotten Tomatoes," but rave reviews in exit polling. More than that, it is exceeding expectations at the box office.  


While we would need an army of trained psychologists to explain why these entitled critics hate so, two reasons seem self-evident. The first being that they have been indoctrinated from birth, in some cases, to loathe anything remotely connected with the president or his incredibly successful administrations. Second, is the fact that "REAGAN" star Quaid has mentioned that he will be supporting former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.  

As we have discovered, if there is a president the far left more irrationally hates than Reagan, it is Trump. A man who has folded in much of the Reagan doctrine into his past administration and peppers his commonsense speeches with it now.  

As these critics know, Reagan was also a part of Hollywood back in the day. Even then, he saw that industry taking a hard turn to the left. It was a socialist-leaning movement which helped to push him closer to his conservative and populist principles.  

Were Reagan alive today, I suspect he would not be the least bit shocked by the hate directed at him and his legacy by these far-left critics. However, with his trademark smile and laugh, he would have most likely said: "Well … there they go again."  

Afterward, that man of the people would have taken humble joy in the reviews the film "REAGAN" is getting from not only those who loved him, but those who wish they could have experienced his leadership firsthand.  

"REAGAN" — 1. Liberal critics — 0. 


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