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Ex-Marine leads plea for Congress to hear exiled Afghan resistance leader's warnings

A retired Recon Marine who conducted civilian rescues within Afghanistan, a former Navy SEAL and an ex-Pentagon chief are among the figures clamoring for Congress to hear from a top Afghan resistance leader and to stop directly or indirectly financially backing the Taliban government there.

Around the time of the U.S.' withdrawal, National Resistance Front (NRF) leader Ahmad Massoud returned to the Panjshir Valley in northern Afghanistan.

There, elements opposed to Taliban rule stuck it out until they were forced to flee — including Massoud, who escaped to neighboring Tajikistan. He reportedly was joined by at least one official from the deposed U.S.-backed democratic government: former Vice President Amrullah Saleh.

Saleh sought refuge in Dushanbe, the Tajik capital, as of 2021, according to France24 News.


According to Chad Robichaux, who took part in perilous civilian rescue operations in Afghanistan — including the evacuation of his former interpreter Aziz, who faced execution by the Taliban — Massoud has since been recognized as the de facto opposition figure-in-exile.

"Massoud is leading all of our allies of the last 20 years, all the people we left behind; our commandos, our interpreters, all the ones that chose to resist and then continue to fight…" Robichaux said. "We've completely abandoned him and our allies and the Afghan people."

Robichaux said the U.S. government essentially "switched teams" in the middle of the fight by allowing the Taliban to return to power.

He pointed to reports that billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funds have gone to the Taliban, including through United Nations humanitarian appropriations that are majority funded by the U.S.

"[O]ur allies are trying to prevent a terrorist attack on the United States. But, you know, meanwhile, we're funding it. It's insane," Robichaux said, adding that Massoud may have information helpful to preventing another terror attack like 9/11 on U.S. soil.


Robichaux added that Massoud’s father — of the same name — was the top anti-Soviet leader who helped the West battle the Taliban in Afghanistan decades ago.

Robichaux said Usama bin Laden had Massoud assassinated in the near-term prior to 9/11 because the terrorist knew the U.S. would need an allied figure in Afghanistan if they wanted to take on the Taliban.

"Twenty years later, his son is saying the same thing. There's a pending attack on the United States. You guys are sending money to the Taliban, and they're training a terrorist group to attack the United States," Robichaux said.

He went on to claim Massoud has been subject to an ambiguous "blacklist" from visiting the U.S. Therefore, Robichaux said, it is imperative that congressional leaders visit the Middle East to meet with him.

Fox News Digital reached out to the State Department to confirm or deny the blacklist claim.

Massoud himself said the international community has conducted a policy of appeasement toward the Taliban government, which has failed to help the situation.

"We haven’t seen the Taliban relent on even one issue," Massoud said. "This policy will have global consequences as it allows the Taliban to buy time and achieve its goals with the 21 other regional and global terror networks."


"For a peaceful world, a more realistic policy that benefits both the people of Afghanistan and prevents a global security crisis must be adopted. We must emphasize the support of the international community and the USA for a legitimate and democratic government solely based on the will and vote of Afghanistan’s citizens," he said.

When asked about the safety of lawmakers, should they agree to host Massoud abroad, Robichaux said another proponent of the petition, retired SEAL and podcast host Shawn Ryan, was able to do so in Austria as a civilian.

Fox News Digital also reached out to House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., ahead of the petition’s formal delivery to inquire about the prospect of Congress meeting with Massoud, but did not hear back by press time.

According to the petition, which lists Ryan as primary author, Massoud’s testimony would shed light on the true situation in Afghanistan and better inform congressional decisionmaking and allocation of funding in the region.

"Moreover, Congress should redirect its financial support towards the NRF, restoring their critical logistical and aid support," the petition demands.

Ryan previously interviewed Massoud on his podcast, and said the conversation "shows he is one of the brave few continuing to fight for the future and stability of Afghanistan... His voice needs to be heard by Congress."

Later in his interview, Robichaux said there is one potential development that would render his concerns with the State Department moot: the election of former President Trump.

Robichaux said Trump has long indicated his aversion to assuaging malign regimes, and was confident he would find a way to stop U.S. funds ending up in Taliban hands.

"If there's a threat to the United States, [Trump] would let our Central Intelligence Agency do their job," he said.

Christopher Miller, Trump’s former defense secretary, claimed about $87 million in U.S taxpayer dollars per week are ending up in Taliban hands.

"[These are] the very same people that killed over 2,400 of our warriors and wounded another 21,000-plus and sheltered the leader of Al Qaeda — is beyond comprehension and the definition of criminal negligence," Miller said in calling for Congress to hear directly from Massoud.

At least one House lawmaker also agreed on the need for Massoud to brief Congress.

Rep. Eli Crane, R-Ariz., a former military sniper, said Massoud could shed light on a part of the world "deeply embroiled in chaos; only made worse by the current administration."

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