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Country music singer John Berry reveals 11 life lessons that sustained him through a cancer bout and more

Nashville-based country music singer John Berry is revealing the 11 life lessons that have sustained him over the years through thick and thin — and the guiding points for him to this day. He believes these points can help others as well.

In an on-camera interview with Fox News Digital, the longtime performer — during a recent tour through Maryland — talked about faith, family and career, in that order. (See the video at the top of this article.) 

He's also celebrating the fact that he is in good health today after a battle with throat cancer that began five years ago. 


"If I'm on the path, if I'm walking the path that God wants me on, it's all OK," Berry said. 

"He's got me here for a reason. And, so I think that that's really important. And then, of course, God gives me a family. Careers come and go, you know? Careers change. Family? Not so much. And at least you hope not."

So "it's really important to make those commitments to family and make those relationships work."

Berry is touring throughout the summer with his wife, Robin Berry, making stops in Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida and many other states. 

He shared his life lessons and the meaning behind them in some depth with Fox News Digital. 

1. Be open to Plan B, or C, or D. Especially in the music business, if you've only got one plan, it's going to be a tough road. You've got to be able to pivot and adapt and change — and everything changes. 

There's one constant and that's change. And you've got to be able to make those pivots to stay in the game. 

2. Make the bed when you get up in the morning. I read this in reference to a military gentleman who worked with soldiers and it stuck with me. 

It's pretty basic as far as the military goes. It's what you do. But the reasoning behind it is larger than that. When you get up in the morning, you get that bed made — and before you even walk out of your room, you've accomplished something.

It might seem minor, but for me — and I'm not an early riser, I stay up really late — but once I'm up, the first thing I do is make the bed. Because when I'm home, I'm really home. 

I walk through the house and walk into the bedroom, and there's this beautiful bed made. 

It's orderly and put together. And it's just this sense of a crazy little sense of accomplishment for the morning that sets the whole tone for the day. 


3. Be transparent with those on your team and those who support you.

4. Prioritize your life in order of God, family, then career — and teach those around you to know the importance of this hierarchy.

Life can be full of sucky circumstances, including the cancer battle I went through. But my happiness has to be found in my Savior. 

We have a wonderful Savior who came to this Earth for us. God sent His Son, who died on a cross for our sins, to make a way for us to come to Him. There's joy in that. 

I really believe this as a follower of Christ. And I'm seeking Him, and seeking God and seeking His wisdom for my life. And if I'm on the path — if I'm walking the path that God wants me on — it's all OK. He's got me here for a reason. 


This is really important to me. And then, of course, family — God gives me a family, and I'm blessed for it. 

Careers come and go, you know? Careers change. And let me tell you — when your career's done with you, it's done. Most of the people you worked with will not care about you after that, really — or very, very few. 

Family is a whole different thing. I'm in touch with my family every day. Have kids in Texas. And in Atlanta. And one lives close to us [in Nashville]. And I've got other family members who I'm in touch with all the time. 

For years and years and years and years.


Career's important — it's how we provide for ourselves and our families. But it shouldn't take precedence over family relationships. It's really important to make a commitment to family and to make your relationships work. 

5. "Don't look at the empty seats," as my good friend Charlie Daniels once said. 

You can't sing for people who aren't there. But for the ones who are there, you give 110% and share your heart and your life. And you hope they'll leave there with something that means more to them than just a night of entertainment. You hope you've given them an experience. 


6. Don't get above your raising. There is something worse than people asking for pictures and autographs. If it weren’t for the fans, we wouldn’t be here.

7. Make an impact on people’s lives. It's my job to do so. 

8. Know that there’s more growth in the valley than there is on the mountaintop.

9. Leave the audience wanting more — and the presenters proud that they hired you.

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10. Don’t be a fence sitter. Know who you are so that others know who you are.

11. Faith, family and friends: These are the three most important things in life.

Brittany Kasko of Fox News Digital contributed reporting.

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