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Follow these 9 safe hiking tips to prevent tragedy on the trail

Follow these 9 safe hiking tips to prevent tragedy on the trail

Amid a flurry of recently reported hiking-related deaths, multiple outdoor safety experts share essential tips to help prevent hazards on the trail this summer and beyond.

Recent hiking-related deaths have spotlighted the need for safety protocols.

While experts agree that hiking is considered a good form of exercise, they stress the importance of being prepared before heading out on the trail, especially during the hot summer months.

Outdoor enthusiasts shared the following important tips to help prevent hiking hazards.


Before heading out on a hike, familiarize yourself with maps, landmarks and any restricted areas or required permits, say trail experts.

"Research the terrain, trail difficulty, weather conditions and local wildlife," Joey Coe, a trip leader for Backroads, a California-based travel touring company, told Fox News Digital. 

Coe also suggested saving a photo of the trail map on your phone to reference while hiking.

Although cell phones and mapping apps can be helpful, it is important to have a backup paper map in the event of a lost signal, according to Guy deBrun, a lecturer at the Hart School of Hospitality, Sport & Recreation Management at James Madison University in Virginia. 


"Knowledge of how to use a paper map is imperative," deBrun, who is also an instructor in wilderness first aid, told Fox News Digital in an email.

Hikers should also know the difficulty level of the planned route, according to the American Hiking Society, a nonprofit based in Silver Springs, Maryland. 

"It’s also helpful to identify possible emergency exit points," Maggie Peikon, manager of communications with the American Hiking Society, told Fox News Digital via email. 

Online forums and trail reviews can also provide valuable information about the terrain, she added.

Whether you are setting off alone or with a group, let someone know your expected time frame for arriving at predetermined spots along the trail, experts recommend.

One approach is to create a "time control plan," which considers linear distance and elevation. 

A general rule of thumb is to travel two miles per hour, adding one mile for every 1,000 feet of elevation gain. 

"Most novices fail to plan for elevation gain," deBrun told Fox News Digital.  


"One thousand feet of elevation gain adds one mile to your total mileage. So, if you are hiking five miles and gaining 2,000 feet, you [should] consider it seven miles. Divide by two miles an hour to estimate your time."

It is also important to project the amount of daylight you will have during your excursion to avoid returning in the dark if you don’t have the necessary gear to hike at night.

It’s best to start small and build, starting with short, easy, well-marked trails that match your fitness level, experts agreed.

"Take breaks as needed, and don't push too hard," said Coe. 

Peikon added, "If you’re feeling too tired, or realize you’re not going to make it to your destination within the time frame you prepared for, turn around and err on the side of caution."

It’s also important to stay on the trail, she said.

"Avoid taking shortcuts. Getting off the trail for any reason can easily result in becoming directionally disoriented and getting lost." 

Aim to keep a distance of at least a few feet between hikers to avoid accidents and allow space for wildlife, experts advised. 

For people hiking in a group, it’s best to avoid taking up the whole trail width, according to the American Hiking Society.


Hikers going downhill should yield to those going uphill.

Also, be wary of potential poisonous vegetation in that region so you can keep a safe distance and avoid accidental contact, experts cautioned.

Hikers should consider local weather patterns when deciding what to wear on a hike, experts told Fox News Digital.  

"In many mountainous areas, lightning storms regularly occur in the afternoon," deBrun said. "Hikers should take this into account."

Coe recommended dressing in layers to help adjust to changing temperatures. 

"Moisture-wicking, quick-drying materials are best," he said.

Bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and rain gear, experts advised.

For family hiking trips, it’s important to be aware of children’s body temperature. "If you are carrying a child, he or she may be cold while you are burning up," Peikon said. 


"Conversely, you may feel chilled while your child is warm from running around and playing."

If multiple children are on the hike, dress them in bright, visible clothing so you can more easily spot them, Peikon said.

Multiple hiking trip leaders suggested wearing sturdy, well-fitted hiking boots with good ankle support. 

"Break them in before your trip to avoid blisters," Coe cautioned.

Running shoes or trail runners can be appropriate, deBrun said, but hiking boots may be more appropriate in wet or rocky terrain.

Pack a compass or GPS, whistle, flashlight, a basic first aid kit and trekking poles (if needed), said experts.

Teach children to blow the whistle several times in the event they wander away from the group, they also advised. 

"Be aware of your group's medical needs and any potential allergies," Coe said. 

Hikers might also want to consider taking a wilderness first aid course, he added.

In areas where bears are prevalent, experts suggest packing bear spray to use in the event of an unexpected encounter. 

It’s also a good idea to check with local animal experts about how to navigate an encounter with wildlife.

Pack lightweight, high-energy foods such as nuts, dried fruit, energy bars and sandwiches, and avoid bringing perishable items unless you have proper storage, experts said.

It is also important to leave no trace of food behind. 

"Carry out all trash and leftover food to avoid attracting wildlife and to prevent littering," Coe advised.


Packing enough water is essential.

"Bring at least half a liter of water for every hour you plan to be hiking," Peikon said — even more when hiking in the heat.

Very few water sources are safe to drink without purification, deBrun cautioned.

"Research water sources and bring a water purification system for longer hikes," he said.

Selfies can distract hikers from their surroundings, which can increase the risk of falls or cause them to miss a hazard, according to hiking experts. 

"It is always tragic to hear of fatalities due to selfies, which does happen every year in U.S. national parks," Coe told Fox News Digital.  

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If you need to use your phone, stop walking and stay aware of your surroundings, he said.

"Use your phone only for emergency calls and navigation as needed," Coe added.

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