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GREG GUTFELD: How much longer can Joe hold out?

GREG GUTFELD: How much longer can Joe hold out?

'Gutfeld!' panelists discuss how much longer President Biden can stay in the 2024 race amid growing calls for him to drop out.

So, the more the outside world notices how senile Biden is, the more he retreats from reality. Lucky for him, that's a very short walk. According to the New York Times, Old Joe isn't consulting with any of his advisers or staff anymore. His cell phone rings and rings, but Joe keeps trying to answer a banana. True, Biden's inner circle is tighter than a meerkat's butthole. Don't ask me how I know. He needed a suppository. Apparently, he's down to a tiny group of loyalists, including his son and wife. The fate of the world hangs in the balance, and the people in charge are a substitute teacher and a guy who snorts grated cheese. I guess Bert and Ernie were all tied up. But hey, why listen to the advisers in a crisis, when you can rely on a convicted felon who smokes crack like it's brisket in North Carolina? 

The Biden's are running the government like their sex lives: they prefer relatives. So, as Joe Biden's brain shrinks like Jesse Watters' package in a swimming pool, so do his allies, and he closes himself off from facts that upset him. Like, Mr. President, your polls are awful. Your uncle wasn't eaten by cannibals. And, Joe, you have applesauce in your eyebrows. Biden is so desperate he's now targeting the Supreme Court, finalizing a proposal that includes term limits for the judges. 

Biden talking about term limits? It's like Stormy Daniels talking about sperm limits. I blame that on Joe Mackey. It's not likely to pass in Congress, but if it did, where does the appeal go? Back to the Supreme Court? So do they decide if they get to fire themselves? That's like the president deciding that he doesn't have dementia. Meanwhile, during a speech at the convention for the NAACP, Joe lied about the George Floyd riots, calling them peaceful protests.

JOE BIDEN: And if you peacefully protested George Floyd's murder, Donald Trump called for the National Guard to go after you. What the hell is the matter with this man?


$2 billion worth of damage is peaceful? That's like saying Jonestown was just a slumber party. But once again, Joe lied. 19 people were killed in the first two weeks of the 2020 riots, and Trump called on the National Guard to quell the violence in Portland but Democratic leadership turned it down. But Joe doesn't care because all he has left is race-baiting. And now he admits he ran as a transitional candidate but won't leave because he didn't expect it to be this divided.

JOE BIDEN: Look, when I originally ran, you may remember I said I was going to be a transitional candidate. I thought that I'd be able to move from this, just pass it on to someone else. But I didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided.

He's surprised by this division? He's like an arsonist who didn't expect it to get so hot. This guy s*** himself, both literally and figuratively. And now Biden also has a disastrous Zoom call with congressional Democrats over the weekend that was even worse than the debate. And I pissed out kidney stones that weren't as bad as the debate. During the call, Biden yelled at Colorado Democrat Congressman Jason Crow, a veteran and former recipient of the Bronze Star, telling Crow, "Tell me who did something that you've never done with your Bronze Star, like my son." What that has to do with anything not even Joe could explain to you. But that's his default way to get out of a debate. No one wants to say to him, what does your dead son have to do with this? 


Reportedly, the Zoom call made Democrats so angry, the only reason they didn't lash out at Biden publicly was because less than an hour later, Trump was shot. You know your campaign is in deep trouble when your opponent almost getting assassinated can only help you. People were suddenly talking about Joe's idiocy instead of his dementia. So, how much longer can Joe hold out? 

He's supposed to debate Trump again on September 10th. Will he still be the candidate by then? Will he still even be the president by then? If you saw him crawling his way up the stairs of Air Force One today, you'd tell Covid, get out of him while you still can.

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