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Trump assassination attempt could have widespread mental health impact, experts say: ‘Vicarious trauma’

The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13, sent shock waves throughout America, affecting both public figures and private citizens alike.

For the people who witnessed the evil act — whether they were in attendance at the Pennsylvania rally or watching the incident from their homes — such violence can have significant mental and emotional repercussions, experts say.

Fox News Digital spoke with two mental health professionals about how the attack — which left one man dead and three injured, including the former president — can have a widespread psychological impact.


Jonathan Alpert, a psychotherapist and author based in New York City, said that for the rally attendees, the reaction was likely one of shock and fear. 

"In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, there may have been confusion and intense anxiety," he told Fox News Digital.  

"Attendees may also experience a post-traumatic stress response at some point, which includes acute stress reactions, nightmares and heightened arousal in response to stimuli that reminds them of the event."


In some cases, everyday noises that resemble the popping sound of the gunfire at the event could cause fear and anxiety, Alpert said.

Dr. Zachary Ginder, a psychologist and founder of Pine Siskin Consulting in Riverside, California, shared similar predictions.

"Regardless of party affiliation, violent acts against public figures can significantly impact our collective psyche and lead to feelings of uncertainty, stress and anxiety," he told Fox News Digital.

"Specifically, they challenge our sense of social order, control, trust, safety and security."

These events can even dramatically shift a person's world view, Ginder noted.

"When a prominent individual becomes a target, it can make us feel that no one is truly safe, leading to increased anxiety and hypervigilance," he said.

In more severe cases, such an event can lead to difficulty concentrating or sleeping, plus heightened irritability, anger, outbursts or paranoia, according to Ginder. 

"In addition, these incidents can trigger a form of vicarious trauma," the expert said.

"Even for those not directly involved, engaging in the constant media cycle and political pundit discussions can lead to emotional distress, physical concerns and feelings of helplessness."


Another potential effect of a tragic event like Saturday’s shooting is amplified social and political tensions and even deeper divisions between groups, according to Ginder.

"As we try to make sense of acts of violence, human nature is to lean into existing networks and limit opportunities for dialogue, especially while one redefines how they see the world post-incident," he told Fox News Digital. 

"Humans naturally retreat to factions of comfort — but unfortunately, this can lead to scapegoating and a further erosion of trust in society and government."

"There are quite a few positive, actionable activities that one can engage in to support healthy processing of societal trauma," said Ginder.

The experts shared their recommendations for how to process such a jarring event.

After an event like the attempted assassination, rumors and conspiracy theories run rampant, most of which aren’t rooted in fact, according to Alpert.

"This only leads to conjecture and collective anxiety," he warned. 

He added, "Find a news source you trust and stick with it."

Even with a trusted source, it may be a good idea to take breaks from media consumption now and then, experts also advised.

"While recognizing that being informed is a part of being an engaged citizen, it is also important to practice mindful media consumption and limit exposure to sensationalized or solely speculative news coverage," said Ginder.


If this proves difficult, he suggests setting time limits using a cell phone timer or scheduling limited times to view updates.

"During times of stress, it becomes even more important to maintain a regular routine and engage in self-care," Ginder said.

Healthy behaviors like preserving regular sleep routines, eating nutrient-rich foods, practicing prayer or meditation, indulging in hobbies and making time for physical activity may help provide a sense of normalcy and control, according to the expert.

"In the face of violence, many may feel compelled to take action to regain a sense of control," Ginder said.

"This can be helpful in processing emotions, especially when turned into positive action."

Individuals may want to consider volunteering, engaging in communities of faith or shared interests, participating in local government, or supporting organizations that align with their values, Ginder suggested.

"This can help restore a sense of agency and purpose," he added.

Cultivating compassion, hope, empathy and understanding can also support overall well-being, according to the expert.

"Research suggests that reiterating positive affirmations or self-talk, practicing kindness, and maintaining a positive mindset and outlook can help bolster one’s sense of subjective well-being," Ginder said.

For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/health

While it is perfectly normal to be affected by societal trauma, if the impact begins to affect daily functioning, relationships or mental health, Ginder said it is "highly advisable" to seek professional help from a licensed clinician.

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