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Buy American and help stop China

Buy American and help stop China

Buy American is a smart strategy. Instead, we rely too heavily on Communist China for essential goods like prescription drugs and technology. We need to bring back US manufacturing.

Most folks I talk to wish it was easier to buy American-made products. It’s often more convenient to choose a product made in Communist China over one made in the USA, and as President Joe Biden's high prices rage on, it's often cheaper too. But I want every American to think about this: Every time you buy a product made in Communist China you are supporting a government that is trying to destroy our way of life.  

If we want to protect American jobs, end our reliance on countries like Communist China and stop supporting evil regimes that hate us, we need to use our votes and pocketbooks to force change. 

Under former President Donald Trump's bold leadership, significant strides were made to prioritize American businesses and workers. Trump understood the critical need to cut our dependence on foreign nations, particularly those that despise our democratic values.  


His administration rolled out policies that incentivized American manufacturing and slapped penalties on companies outsourcing jobs to Communist China. "Buy American, Hire American" was a game-changer, reaffirming our commitment to domestic production. By imposing tariffs on Chinese goods, Trump tackled unfair trade practices head-on, leveling the playing field for American workers. 

I’ve continued this battle on a national scale in the Senate. As your senator, I’ve introduced and supported legislation to strengthen our domestic industries and cut reliance on Chinese imports. My bipartisan "Buy American" resolution passed the Senate in 2020. It called on all Americans to support American jobs and manufacturing and build our supply chain by purchasing American-made products, from American manufacturers.  

I’ve also been leading the charge to cut U.S. reliance on Communist China and expose the Chinese Communist Party's evil, anti-American agenda. Communist China's expansionist policies, intellectual property theft and infiltration of critical industries are beyond alarming. Our dependence on Communist China for essential goods and materials, from pharmaceuticals to technology, endangers our security and sovereignty.  

COVID-19 exposed the frailties in our supply chains and the danger of American dependence on Communist China. The pandemic underscored the urgent need to bring manufacturing back home. Unfortunately, four years of Joe Biden's appeasement has made us forget many of these lessons and wooed much of Washington back into the failed thinking that Communist China can be our friend.  

In the Senate, I introduced the "AMERICAN DRUGS Act" that will cut reliance on Chinese-made drugs and create a strong incentive for companies to invest in domestic pharmaceutical production. I also introduced the "Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act" that prohibits the federal government from using tax dollars to buy solar panels manufactured or assembled in Communist China. 

We also were able to secure big wins against the CCP in this year’s Senate Committee passed "National Defense Authorization Act" (NDAA), including banning the sale of sewage garlic grown in China in Defense Commissary stores, banning the Department of Defense (DoD) from buying computers made by companies based in Communist China, and ensuring the DoD buys generic drugs made in America. In last year's NDAA, we banned the government from purchasing Chinese drones, which was a major win.  

As retail continues to become more online, I am leading the charge to get online retailers to label the country of origin of products, so consumers can make informed decisions. It's easy to spot a "Made in China" or "Made in America" tag on a product in the store, and consumers should have the same information when they shop online.  


Communist China’s threat extends beyond economics. Its military aggression, strategic investments in global infrastructure and blatant disregard for human rights present a multifaceted danger. Our reliance on Communist China not only undermines our economic stability but also compromises our values and principles as a nation. 

We must take decisive action. Trump understands this, and it's another reason he must win in November.  

We need leaders willing to enact robust legislative measures and foster a cultural shift toward valuing American-made products. Our focus must shift from serving globalist interests to protecting American workers. We need to support our domestic industries and the long-term benefits they bring.  

Businesses must be incentivized to reshore their operations, and we should impose strict penalties on those engaging in unfair trade practices or jeopardizing our national security. 

All over the country there are incredible American businesses making great products, and they need our support. I've been visiting a number of them in Florida as part of my Buy American Tour, thanking them for what they do and reassuring them I'll always fight to allow them to continue their great work here in the USA. Buying American helps invigorate our local communities while fighting the influences of the CCP.  

The stakes are too high to ignore. We have a golden opportunity to secure a prosperous future for our country, free from the malign influence of the Chinese Communist Party.  

We can recommit to the principles that made America great: innovation, resilience, and unwavering dedication to our workers and industries. By doing so, we can ensure our nation remains strong, independent and a beacon of freedom for generations to come. 

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