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Новости за 06.01.2025


Supreme Court transfers Amazon, Flipkart antitrust petitions to Karnataka High Court

The apex court also directed that any future petitions on the issue will be automatically transferred to the Karnataka HC, thus restraining the HCs from entertaining further petitions on the issue. “If similar petitions are hereafter instituted in any other HC, the same shall be also covered by this order,” the bench said.


France's Nicolas Sarkozy goes on trial over alleged Libyan campaign financing

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy has begun his trial for allegedly receiving illegal financing from Libya for his 2007 presidential campaign. Sarkozy faces charges including concealment of embezzlement, passive corruption, and illegal campaign financing. The trial is expected to last three months. If found guilty, he could face up to 10 years in prison and fines.


Rename India Gate as 'Bharat Mata Dwar': BJP's minority morcha chief

BJP's minority morcha president Jamal Siddiqui urges Prime Minister Narendra Modi to rename India Gate as Bharat Mata Dwar, claiming it would honor patriots whose names are on the structure. He notes other renamings under the Modi government, aligning with Indian culture and erasing historical taints of slavery.


EU rules don't prohibit Elon Musk's German far-right chat on X

Elon Musk has offered strong support to the extreme-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) ahead of snap elections in the country on February 23 and will host a discussion on X with the party's leader Alice Weidel on Thursday. His X platform is already under investigation under the European Union's landmark content law -- known as the Digital Services Act (DSA) -- regarding how it tackles the spread of illegal content and information manipulation.


SEBI relaxes norms for settling client accounts inactive for 30 days

SEBI revised settlement norms for brokerage accounts of inactive clients, aligning them with the monthly/quarterly settlement cycle. The changes simplify processes, reduce inefficiencies, and address broker concerns while maintaining investor protection and facilitating ease of business operations.


No HMPV cases detected in West Bengal so far: Mamata Banerjee

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee stated that no Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) cases have been detected in the state so far. HMPV cases have been reported in Gujarat and Karnataka. The state government is taking precautionary measures and remains vigilant. The Union health ministry noted that HMPV is already in circulation globally and in India.


Elon Musk's 'we have real guns' reaction to re-surfaced post on UK police chief's warning to US citizens

In August last year, riots broke out in several British cities following false information linking a local crime to an Islamist migrant. Elon Musk made several posts attacking UK authorities for arresting and charging suspects arrested for taking part in the riots. Now, he replied to an old video on UK police chief's warning to US citizens and said: You have finger guns, we have real guns.


Cowpea seedlings onboard ISRO's POEM-4 sprout first leaves in space

ISRO announces a milestone in space-based plant research as cowpea seedlings onboard the PSLV-C60 POEM-4 module have sprouted their first leaves in space. This experiment demonstrates the ability to grow plants in space, crucial for future long-duration missions and sustainable human presence in space.


RBI adds 8 tons gold to its reserves in November 2024: WGC

In November 2024, global central banks added 53 tonnes to their gold reserves. The Reserve Bank of India contributed 8 tonnes, summing its annual total to 73 tonnes. Poland was the largest buyer, adding 21 tonnes. Other significant contributors included Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, Jordan, Turkey, Czech Republic, and Ghana. Singapore, however, reduced its gold reserves by 5 tonnes.


India ranks above global average in speaking English, Delhi leads chart: Pearson report

India's English speaking proficiency is above the global average. Delhi leads in English speaking scores, followed by Rajasthan and Punjab. The finance and banking sector has the highest score, while healthcare has the lowest. The trend in India indicates continued growth in English skills, driven by the need for voice-based testing and written English in business.


ICICI Securities pays Rs 40.2 lakh to settle case with Sebi

Brokerage firm ICICI Securities on Monday settled a case pertaining to the alleged violation of stock brokers rules with capital markets regulator Sebi, after paying Rs 40.2 lakh towards settlement charges.


Akzo Nobel India to explore sale of powder coatings biz, R&D to indirect arm of parent firm

Akzo Nobel India Ltd's board has decided to explore selling its powder coatings business and R&D operations to Akzo Nobel NV. They will also consider the potential acquisition of decorative paints intellectual properties. This move follows a request by the company's parent firm. The board has authorized management to start the evaluation of these potential transactions.


Upgrad’s Mayank Kumar and Oyo’s Ayush Mathur launch BorderPlus

Mayank Kumar of Upgrad and Ayush Mathur, formerly of OYO, launched BorderPlus, a platform to connect blue-collar workers with global healthcare opportunities. The platform initially focuses on Germany, expanding to more sectors and regions. The aim is to streamline international recruitment and close the opportunity gap for India's youth. Training begins in Pune and Mumbai.

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Партия «Грузинская мечта»: Европарламент может потребовать начать войну с РФ

Муж напал на беременную москвичку и погиб от выстрела полицейского

«25 млн рублей»: эксперт назвал стоимость корпоратива с участием Шнурова

Мужчина избил молотком пассажира в московском метро

Музыкальные новости

Поэтам и Писателям любые возможности для творческого продвижения.

Профилактическая акция Росгвардии «Безопасный Новый год» проходит в Смоленской области

На концерте Сергея Трофимова в Пскове не осталось свободных мест

Путин приехал в храме Георгия Победоносца на Поклонной горе в Москве

Новости России

Добрый Рождественский флэшмоб прошел 7 января в Серпухове

Партия «Грузинская мечта»: Европарламент может потребовать начать войну с РФ

Врач дала жителям Подмосковья советы, как не переедать

«25 млн рублей»: эксперт назвал стоимость корпоратива с участием Шнурова

Экология в России и мире

RAF: От обычного парня в популярного блогера-миллионника.

Кулинарное путешествие по Байкалу 

Врач дерматолог-косметолог Мадина Байрамукова: как избавиться от отеков после новогодних праздников

Могут ли самки быть крупнее самцов

Спорт в России и мире

Арина Соболенко раскрыла секрет своей игры после очередного титула в 2025 году

Павлюченкова проиграла Вондроушовой на старте турнира в Аделаиде

Арина Соболенко снялась для Harper's Bazaar и раскрыла тайны личной жизни

Шнайдер победила Синякову на старте теннисного турнира в Аделаиде, выиграв всухую решающий сет


От обычного парня в популярного блогера-миллионника.

Кировск. Мурманская область. Кольский полуостров

Мигранты-вахтовики вывезли с прииска два килограмма драгметаллов

RAF: От обычного парня в популярного блогера-миллионника.

Топ новостей на этот час


Блогер-миллионник Кэрол Акоста скончалась в 27 лет, подавившись едой

Врач дала жителям Подмосковья советы, как не переедать

Новозеландский боди-хоррор "Субстанция: Идеал" обзавелся новым постером

Мужчина избил молотком пассажира в московском метро