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Andrea Parisio imbues Meridiani furniture series with curves and personality

Promotion: Italian manufacturer Meridiani has released a series of "full and soft" furniture pieces designed by its designer and art director Andrea Parisio.

It features a variety of seating concepts and a storage unit designed for use by creatives. Parisio conceived of four different seats for Meridiani, including an armchair and pouffe.

The collection was launched with a unified aesthetic that works in part, with each piece forming a different aspect of the narration, according to Meridiani.

Andrea Parisio has designed a new seating collection for Meridiani

"Each Meridiani product reveals a piece of the brand's story, expressing a facet of its identity," said the brand.

"And the new 2024 seating collection by Meridiani, created by designer and art director Andrea Parisio, is a choral, four-voiced narration that whispers new ideas for furnishing with personality."

The collection includes the Cosette and Claudine chairs. Each has a circular backrest that wraps around a plush seat, differentiated by the style of leg and the size of the backrest, which also serves as the rear legs of each.

It includes a series of chairs and an armchair, all with curved backrests integrated into the back legs

Claudine has a single front leg that extends from the base of the chair and the backrest wraps further around, encompassing the seat, while Cosette has two front legs pushed to the front of the seat and a slighter backrest.

"The seat is rounded, and the wraparound backrests are seamlessly integrated into the back legs," said Meridiani.

"They share the same artistic essence and the same combination of finishes for the legs, but each has its own character, making them both complementary and independent products."

The upholstery for the chairs and poufs is customisable

Meanwhile, the Jeanette armchair takes the single-legged, deep-backrest approach used for Claudine and puffs it out, for an accommodating chair that still appears rather nimble, with a slight gap in the middle of the curving backrest, where it meets the ground.

The single leg under the seat is curved in order to "maintain visual continuity" with the edges of the semi-cylindrical backrest.

Meridiani described Jeanette as an armchair that "combines fullness and softness in an enveloping design".

The Wallis storage system is modular and comes in multiple shapes and drawer configurations

Small and sturdy is the final piece in the seating collection, the Gino pouf.

"Gino is the original and a nice, practical and versatile pouf," said Meridiani. "It has a round seat and customisable legs; it is the delightful and functional complement to any corner of the house".

All of the seating pieces are available in a variety of fabrics, which can be chosen from a range of options from Meridiani's collection.

Following in this spirit of customisation, Meridiani created the Wallis storage unit in two different finishes – glossy or matte lacquer, complemented by top material options such as marble, quartzite, travertine, back-painted glass, or leather.

The sleek system has an inset top and handles creating a practical and elegant system. It can be manufactured in a variety of shapes allowing for modular configurations that can fit a variety of rooms or workspaces. Some of the varieties function as a chest of drawers, while others have drawers that swing out.

The Wallis also has a wide variety of materials and colours available

"Wallis is a true design tool," said the brand "It is conceived to shape and reshape environments, unlocking the potential for creativity and self-expression."

Other furniture design projects by the brand include the plinth-like dining tables in the Plinto collection.

For more information, visit the Meridiani website.

Partnership content

This article was written by Dezeen for Meridiani as part of a partnership. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

The post Andrea Parisio imbues Meridiani furniture series with curves and personality appeared first on Dezeen.

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