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ARB finds architects suffer higher levels of discrimination and sexual misconduct than other professions

Research into architecture workplace culture conducted by the UK's Architects Registration Board has revealed widespread bullying, discrimination and sexual misconduct in the profession.

The Architects Registration Board's (ARB) workplace culture report found that architecture professionals experience higher levels of discrimination and sexual misconduct compared to other professions that have published comparable research, including academia and some medical sectors.

Quarter of women in architecture have experienced unwelcome sexual advances

Conducted by the independent agency Thinks Insight and Strategy, the research surveyed 898 architecture professionals at various career stages and also interviewed 15 of the research participants.

It found that a quarter of female professionals had experienced unwelcome sexual advances and 38 per cent had experienced unwelcome sexual comments.

The research also found that 38 per cent of architecture professionals had received insults, stereotypes or jokes related to protected characteristics. This statistic increased to 53 per cent for female professionals, 46 per cent for people from ethnic minorities, and 46 per cent for those with disabilities.

In total, 41 per cent of professionals had experienced bullying, 33 per cent had experienced discrimination of some kind, and 10 per cent had experienced sexual misconduct, which the ARB described as "significant proportions".

RIBA "ready to take bold steps"

ARB's report claimed that a third of professionals would not feel confident raising concerns if they experienced or witnessed misconduct in the workplace, fearing that they would not be taken seriously or that it would impact their careers.

"The vast majority of architects are good professionals who behave ethically, but we are appalled to learn that many of them suffer higher levels of discrimination and sexual misconduct than some other professions," said ARB chair Alan Kershaw.

"There is a clear need for leadership here – all professionals in the built environment sector need to support a better culture for a better built environment."

"Championing changes to improve workplace wellbeing is a priority for RIBA, and we recognise both our unique, important role in achieving this and the work it will take," added president of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Muyiwa Oki.

"As we prepare to publish the findings of our own investigation, we are ready to take bold steps," he said. "We continue to work with ARB and others to enable a profession that is rooted in safety, respect, and inclusion for everyone."

ARB will "set firmer professional standards for architects"

The research was conducted to support ARB's revised Code of Conduct and Practice for Architects, following concerns of misconduct raised in its education survey.

The ARB claims it will "set firmer professional standards for architects" by providing guidance in leadership and inclusion and offering support to those raising concerns.

The workplace culture report will also inform recommendations put to the ARB in early 2025 through the Professional Practical Experience Commission, which is investigating challenges faced by British architecture students.

In interviews with research participants, some architects shared experiences of inappropriate behaviour on construction sites, at client meetings and while at university.

Many raised concerns about being underpaid, overworked and undervalued, with 59 per cent of professionals agreeing that their workload is detrimental to their wellbeing.

Dezeen is conducting its own research into people's experiences of working in architecture and design, including job fulfilment, workload, pay and workplace culture. Fill out a short survey here.

Recently on Dezeen reported on why the gender pay gap in UK architecture is failing to close and Helen Parton wrote how "design can do more to reduce the built environment's capacity for enabling misogyny".

The photo is by Charles Deluvio via Unsplash.

The post ARB finds architects suffer higher levels of discrimination and sexual misconduct than other professions appeared first on Dezeen.

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