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Ten of the best independent designers across North America

To mark the end of Dezeen's North America Design 2024 series, Universal Design Studio has selected 10 stand-out designers – each from a different city across the continent.

London-based Universal Design Studio recently opened a location in New York and partnered with Dezeen as a sponsor, along with its sister studio Map, for our North American Design 2024 series, which highlighted a set of independent designers in 10 different cities across the continent.

"The series is a great platform for us to engage with this talent and gain a better understanding of the design culture in this part of the world," said Universal Design Studio creative director Satoshi Isono.

Isono said that the studio was drawn to designers forefronting locality, including utilisation of local materials and processes as well as community-oriented approaches.

Regional design and sustainability

"I was intrigued to see that so many designers have a strong connection with their distinct local cultures through materiality. This is also reflected in how their environments inform their overall inspiration and methodology," said Isono.

"There were specific regional connections that jumped out. For example, it was interesting to see a number of former Nike designers working independently in Portland and discover how a strong maker culture in New York allows for special design pieces."

"Clusters were born from regional design traditions while others formed around independent design communities."

Isono also noted how local approaches seemed to be intimately woven with concerns about sustainability and waste.

This approach differed from city to city and from studio to studio. However, Isono pointed to a social function or "impact" of design in connecting people and ideas.

"Designers are finding innovative methods to get their designs produced – from literally growing their own materials to sourcing them from waste. This was one of the most interesting aspects of their design process and approach," said Isono.

"It's exciting to see designers with a strong passion to create an impact through design. Sustainability is fundamental – not only from an environmental point of view, but how it relates to society, economy, and industry."

Read on for 10 of the best furniture design studios selected by and with comments from Universal Design Studio.

Ania Jaworska, Chicago

"I believe that an architectural practice should be open to developing any type and scale of design, and Ania's approach aligns well with that philosophy."

See more of the Chicago designers here ›

Wentrcek Zebulon, New York

"Wentrcek Zebulon's work is inclusive of a strong material-driven design methodology and maker culture of New York, which as a studio with a growing Manhattan office, we are excited to tap into. Plus, it is very nice to see designers who value and prioritise the handmade."

See more of the New York designers here ›

Prowl Studio, San Francisco

"Prowl Studio is deeply rooted in research-driven industrial design that responds to many problems in relation to the environment and people through design. Because of this, it is very easy to be captivated by their work."

See more San Francisco designers here ›

Fernando Laposse, Mexico City

"Fernando was one of the most exciting discoveries for me. It is so unique that he grows materials in order to produce his natural plant-based furniture. This design methodology opens up the connection between his country and people through design, which is quite inspirational."

See more Mexico City designers here ›

Waka Waka, Los Angeles

"I have always admired a designer who works with a single material to finesse their design skills. Being based in LA and working with plywood furniture seems very natural, with the California legacies of Eames furniture and the design culture of mid-century arts and architecture."

See more Los Angeles designers here ›

Lauren Goodman, Montreal

"Lauren's background as a woodworker making one-off furniture out of industrial waste drew me in. As someone who thinks about this large issue that we face, I really respect her problem-solving."

See more Montreal designers here ›

Peca Estudio, Guadalajara

"Again, seeing a designer working with materials that are endemic to their home, in this case, Mexico, makes me feel the close connection they have with local craftspeople. This is readily apparent in Peca's design."

See more Guadalajara designers here ›

Karen Lee, Portland

"Karen's object-oriented design approach leads to forms that I find somewhat sculptural – and tool-like. It is very curious to me."

See more Portland designers here ›

Donut Shop, Detroit

"What stands out is that Donut Shop is making products themselves with a can-do attitude to solve problems while considering time and delivery, something we are all always grappling with."

See more Detroit designers here ›

Edwina Lee, Vancouver

"I am particularly interested in how Edwina designs in response to nature. Her outdoor furniture using local wood connects well to the landscape of nearby Vancouver."

See more Vancouver designers here ›

Illustration by Alex Mellon

North American Design 2024

This article is part of Dezeen's North American Design 2024 series selecting independent furniture and product design studios from cities across Canada, Mexico and the United States.

The first edition of this series is created in partnership with Universal Design Studio and Map Project Office, award-winning design studios based in London and now in New York. Their expansion into the US is part of The New Standard, a collective formed with Made Thought.

The post Ten of the best independent designers across North America appeared first on Dezeen.

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