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Orange floors create "golden afterglow" in Aranya fashion store by Say Architects

Chinese studio Say Architects has designed a concept store for fashion brand Nice Rice in the seaside resort of Aranya, featuring bright-orange tiles and furniture intended to evoke the colour of a sunset.

Having previously designed stores for Nice Rice in Shenzhen, Chengdu and Shanghai, Say Architects conceived the interior as a response to the store's setting near the port city of Qinhuangdao, also known as the Aranya Gold Coast.

Say Architects has designed a concept store for Nice Rice in Aranya

"Due to the individuality of the site and the splendid geolocation, we hope to bring the orange sea of Aranya inside and build a gold coast that never ends by using light as expression, creating undulating volumes, intertwining lights and shadows," the architects said.

The 290-square-metre store is arranged over three floors, with retail spaces on the lower two storeys and a roof terrace accessible from the top floor.

Glossy orange tiles reflect light onto white walls, creating a "golden afterglow" effect

The building's minimalist facade features an illuminated sign with the company's logotype over the entrance and a horizontal window above.

A glazed entrance provides a view into the store, where bright orange surfaces create a vibrant contrast with the shop's monochrome exterior.

The glossy orange tiles reflect light onto the white walls, creating an effect that the architects describe as a "golden afterglow".

A leather bench provides a minimalist seating area on the first floor

Inside, a full-height void connects the shop's three floors, with a vaulted ceiling directing light from a window on the top floor down to the levels below.

Say Architects designed each floor with a symmetrical layout that enhances the calm and serene atmosphere within the store.

Clothes rails in the Nice Rice store are designed to resemble breaking waves

On the ground floor, a pair of freestanding units are used for serving customers, while changing rooms are positioned on either side of a second entrance to the rear of the space.

Clothes rails on both sides of the room are designed to resemble breaking waves, curving outwards from the wall to create space for hanging clothes underneath.

On the first floor, a geometric leather bench provides a seating area, while a simple display podium is located close to the transparent balustrade overlooking the triple-height void.

Throughout the store, windows of varying sizes create a play of light and shadow on the internal surfaces that changes throughout the day.

A full-height void connects the three floors

Staircases on both sides of the building ascend to a roof terrace that is floored with the same tiles used inside the store.

A sheltered area with matching orange benches allows this space to be used in all weather.

The building's staircases lead to an outdoor roof terrace

Say Architects is based in Hangzhou and is led by architects Yan Zhang and Jianan Shan.

The studio works across architecture, interior and landscape design, with previous projects including an accessories store formed almost entirely of translucent resin and a grooming salon for pets featuring a sunken cafe and a paddling pool.

The terrace is finished in the same tiles as the interior

Aranya is built on the site of a failed real estate development and aims to provide a haven for overworked young urbanites seeking a coastal escape.

The exclusive gated community contains several architecture projects that have helped elevate its profile including an art centre designed by Neri&Hu, a monolithic concrete concert hall and a chapel raised above the beach on stilts.

The photography is by Wen Studio.

The post Orange floors create "golden afterglow" in Aranya fashion store by Say Architects appeared first on Dezeen.

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