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All you need to know about HMPV, the respiratory virus spreading in China


Exactly five years after the Covid-19 pandemic upended the world, concerns have once again risen over the spread of a flu-like virus in China and other neighbouring countries.

Beijing has recently reported a surge in cases of the human metapneumovirus or HMPV, a respiratory infection, with the government attributing it to a seasonal spike. Social media is abuzz with images of hospitals overrun with masked patients.

But medical experts say the situation is different and less worrisome this time. Here’s what we know of the virus so far.

What is HMPV?

According to Dr Fyezah Jehan, head of Paediatrics and Child Health at the Aga Khan University, HMPV is known to cause upper respiratory tract infections and has flu-like symptoms such as cough, nasal blockade, wheezing, and fever. However, it could increase risks or lead to serious complications such as pneumonia among the elderly, young children, and immunocompromised people.

She explained that HMPV was less severe. “We are only measuring it now. Unlike influenza, this virus did not have a testing and surveillance system.”

HMPV spreads by touch, through direct contact with an infected person or exposure to contaminated surfaces. “Covering the mouth and nose while coughing, washing hands and maintaining distance will all help,” Dr Jehan said.

Infected people should rest and monitor their symptoms, she suggested, adding that there was no particular cure or vaccine for the virus and its treatment was focused on the management of symptoms.


  • Cough
  • Wheezing
  • Nasal blockage
  • Fever
  • Pneumonia in young children, elderly, immunocompromised people


  • Stay at home to rest and avoid infecting others
  • People with severe symptoms seek medical care as soon as possible
  • Wear masks in crowded or poorly ventilated spaces
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with tissue or bent elbow
  • Practice regular handwashing

Not like Covid

Unlike Covid-19, which was unknown when it first emerged, the HMPV has been around for decades. As per research, HMPV has circulated for at least 65 years, and nearly every child will be infected with HMPV by the age of five.

The virus “is part of the cocktail of winter viruses that we are exposed to”, AFP quoted John Tregoning, professor in vaccine immunology at Imperial College London, as saying.

Highlighting distinctions between the two viruses, Dr Jehan said that HMPV was always localised and could be controlled through standard hygiene.

Covid, on the other hand, caused excessive outbreaks and needed lockdowns, masks, and vaccines. Similarly, HMPV without symptoms was rare while in Covid the spread from asymptomatic individuals was very common.

From China to India

The Chinese authorities have acknowledged the uptick in HMPV cases but at the same time emphasised that the virus is not a major concern.

At a news conference on Dec 27, the director of China’s Institute for Infectious Diseases said HMPV cases were rising among children aged 14 or younger. Kan Biao stated that the increase was notable in the northern parts of the country.

Cases could spike during the Lunar New Year holiday, at the end of January, when many people travel and gather in large groups, he added.

According to the Xinhua news agency, HMPV cases have been on the rise in China since mid-December in both outpatient and emergency departments. The government has also set up a monitoring system for pneumonia of unknown regions.

Seven cases of the virus have also been reported in India, where the health ministry has asked each state to flag any influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory infection.

WHO’s recommendations

Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said that the rising cases of common respiratory illnesses in China and other areas around the Northern Hemisphere were within the range expected for winter, with no unusual outbreaks reported.

In a statement on Tuesday evening, the body said it was in contact with Chinese health officials and had not received any reports of unusual outbreak patterns there.

The WHO said Chinese data up to Dec 29 showed detections of HMPV, seasonal influenza, rhinovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have all increased in recent weeks, particularly in northern parts of China. Influenza is currently the most commonly reported cause of disease, it said.

The observed increases in acute respiratory infections and associated pathogen detections in many countries in the Northern Hemisphere in recent weeks are expected at this time of year and are not unusual, the WHO noted.

It recommended that individuals take normal precautions to prevent the spread and reduce risks posed by respiratory pathogens, especially to the most vulnerable.

What should Pakistan do?

First of all, don’t panic, said Dr Jehan.

She stated that Pakistan had a network of influenza surveillance centres located in Punjab and Islamabad, which should be used to monitor these cases.

At the same time, the government should also launch a public awareness campaign which should educate people about the precautionary measures in line with the WHO’s recommendations, she said.

Header image from AFP

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