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Growers, civil society oppose proposed changes to Irsa act, demand withdrawal


HYDERABAD/THATTA: The Sindh Abadgar Ittehad (SAI) and civil society leaders in Thatta opposed proposed amendments to the Indus River System Authority Act 1992 and called for their immediate withdrawal.

Speaking at a joint news conference after holding their meeting on Wednesday, SAI president Nawab Zubair Talpur, general secretary Mohammad Anwar, Javed Riar and others warned the changes would undermine the consensus over interprovincial water distribution. They said the Water Apportionment Accord 1991 was signed after serious issues cropped up involving the federating units. They added that Sindh had already been criticising water distribution under that accord, but now the Irsa act 1992 was being amended.

They said that such amendments would deprive the provinces of their rights and on the contrary, the prime minister would be empowered. They said that it was a matter of great concern. Delegating all powers to one individual in a democratic dispensation and tinkering with the act would undermine the agreement over water distribution.

They maintained that it was being done to ensure water availability for the corporate farming initiative and decisions could be taken to that effect. Rejecting the proposed amendments, they demanded their immediate withdrawal.

Say changes to undermine consensus over interprovincial water distribution

Discussing the recent rain-related damages, the SAI representatives said the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) had forewarned about the heavy rains, but unfortunately the required steps were not taken by the Sindh government and irrigation department. Water could not be drained out from the field areas and standing crops were damaged, they said, adding that vegetables like chillies, tomatoes, onions were destroyed on a large scale.

They said the gates of Sukkur Barrage were damaged as well while Rohri Canal developed a breach and now rains were visiting different districts. They called for compensating farmers and waiving off their loans. They added that the growers should be provided assistance for Rabi crops cultivation.

About wheat crop, they said that growers were reluctant to grow wheat on a large scale because they did not get adequate price in market. They said that since their input costs for wheat crop had increased, they would cultivate wheat crop only for their own consumption and by doing so they would be emulating their Punjab counterparts.

They said last year they did not get proper price for the grain and similarly they sold paddy crop for Rs2,300 per 40kg recently against last year’s price of Rs4,300. They said there was record wheat production, but still the grain was imported, which crashed the market and growers suffered monetary losses. They said that such surplus wheat crop was still available in market.

The SAI leaders said they were not getting better price for crops because support price for mustard and cotton were not ensured. They said the mafia dealing in the rice sector was ready to loot paddy famers farmers. Regarding sugar cane crop, they said that vibes from the Pakistan Sugar Mills Association (PSMA) suggested that they would not start crushing season as they sought cut in the cane price usually fixed by the government.

They condemned PSMA’s approach and demanded that the Sugarcane Control Board’s meeting should be called. They also urged the government to give representation to the SAI in the board and sugar cane price should be fixed at Rs500 per 40kg whereas paddy should be procured at Rs4,000 pe40kg.

Civil society protests Irsa law changes

Civil society leaders, literary figures and journalists in Thatta have expressed strong opposition to federal government’s plans to amend IRSA Act and construct five new dams on the Indus River.

They accused Punjab of openly seizing Sindh’s water resources and warned that Sindhi people would resist the proposed amendments and the construction of dams.

They were speaking at a protest held outside Thatta Press Club on Wednesday.

Water expert and author of several books on Indus waters, Engineer Obhayo Khushk, renowned researcher Dr Muhammad Ali Manjhi, Thatta Press Club President Iqbal Jakhro, Daryano Mal of the Hindu Panchayat, Faqir Akram Mangarhar of the Sindhi Adabi Sangat, social activist Nazir Jakhro and others claimed the changes were intended to appoint biased members to the Irsa in order to seize Sindh’s rightful share in Indus water.

They argued that while the province’s natural resources and water were coveted, Sindhi people were treated with indifference. Those who underestimated resilience of the Sindhi people should remember the lessons of 1971, they warned.

They highlighted long-standing grievances over non-implementation of the 1991 Water Accord and criticised the federal government for introducing new legislation that would further marginalise Sindh.

They accused Pakistan Peoples Party, which had governed the province for 16 years, of compromising on Sindh’s resources and being complicit in the decisions made against the province.

They pointed that three provinces, including Sindh, had already opposed construction of new dams on the Indus, including the controversial Kalabagh Dam. Despite this, Punjab had decided to proceed with the projects, a decision that Sindh not only rejected but would resist strongly, they said.

They warned that the proposed amendments to the IRSA Act were far more dangerous than the Kalabagh Dam and vowed they would never accept them under any circumstances.

Published in Dawn, September 5th, 2024

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