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‘Car manufacturers aren’t even trying anymore’: Hyundai driver demands answers after seeing Kona’s 2025 gear shifter

So what’s the deal with the new Hyundai Kona gear shifter?

Every year, car brands will make subtle changes to new models. These changes can include new technology, more cupholders, or a new design for the gear shifter.

Some of these design changes are upgrades while some of them cause more headaches than convenience. 

In a TikTok with more than 60,000 views, user Phil (@derangedphill) showcases how the new Hyundai Kona Limited gear shifter is designed... and claims it is just simply silly for drivers to use.

"It doesn't work how your brain would initially think it works," he says in a profanity-laden TikTok rant. "That hurts my head. I do not like it."

What's up with the 2025 Hyundai Kona gear shifter?

Traditionally, cars use column shifters. However in recent years, car brands are switching up the designs. Gear shifters can now be toggles, push buttons, zig zag, or rotary drive selector.

The Hyundai Kona gear shifter is now a blocked shape level that requires drivers to twist to use. The location of this gear shifter is below the driver's wheel.

It's also being used on the 2025 hybrids and limited trims from Hyundai such as the Santa Fe and Tucson.

Drivers intuitively are used to selecting the gears in an up and down motion. However, with this Kona gear shifter, the driver needs to twist to shift. 

“It’s the adult version of Bop It.” one TikTok commenter jokes. 

“Playing Rubik’s cube just to reverse” another TikTok commenter added. 

So why did Hyundai do this?

As one reviewer notes, the move frees up a ton of space in the center console of these new Hyundais.

"It frees up a lot of valuable space and looks more elegant," replies a sympathetic commenter.

There's another reason.

“So you don’t bump the gear shifter while driving” one TikTok user added. 

But overall, commenters are speculating why on Earth this gear shifter design change happened. It appears unnecessary and something nobody requested.

Phil's original message was clear. Long gone are the days of building a great product that doesn’t need any repairs. In this day and age, things are built to be quickly replaced. The more repairs, the more money for companies. 

The switch in gear shift design but it has certainly caused division among car buyers. The odd design can be logical to some while frustrating to others.

@derangedphill #carfail #hyundaikona #ev #designfail #hyundai ♬ original sound - derangedphill

What did the viewers think about this gear shifter?

Change is rough, and many have negative reactions to the new shifter.

“Car manufacturers aren't even trying anymore,” one commented. 

The first comment on a Hyundai-licensed YouTube tutorial for using the new shifter is harsh: "You have to go to college to switch to neutral."


But other users are more accepting of the design.

“Maybe to stop it getting bumped up and down," one suggested.

“Seems very logical,” one added. 

They're in the minority, however.

“That is so ugly. I’d never buy that,” one shared.

“The new Hyundai Konas look super ugly. I prefer the models from 2022 and before,” one commented

This TikTok has more than 60,400 views.

The Daily Dot has contacted @derangedphill and Hyundai for comment.

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The post ‘Car manufacturers aren’t even trying anymore’: Hyundai driver demands answers after seeing Kona’s 2025 gear shifter appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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