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‘Pulled the most diabolical move on me’: McDonald’s customer says drive-thru worker bamboozled him right before closing

Nick (@nickfromohio) has found his social media niche: rants. He states his specific brand of diatribe originates from "the shower." Previously, Nick claimed that a fellow Target shopper "forced" him to check out after picking up toothpaste. In a separate video, Nick complained about a Chick-fil-A drive-thru line cutter, decrying her poor manners.

The topic of his latest video also has to do with the drive-thru but this time at McDonald's. According to Nick if you're planning on getting grub right before a fast food joint closes, it's best to just walk inside.


Nick says that just the night before, a Mickey D's worker "pulled the most diabolical move on" him. The TikToker says the finesse was so slick, it was difficult for him to truly be angry.

Nick says that right from the jump, the employee hopped onto the loudspeaker to let Nick know that the store was still open. This was a concern since it was getting uncomfortably close to midnight.

The employee then added that Nick could take his time before placing his order. The worker then hopped off the speaker, allowing the TikTok to peruse at his leisure. Which is exactly what Nick did. He debated between getting a burger and fries, or a McFlurry, or some nuggets.

When he finally decided what he wanted to eat, Nick alerted the employee on the other end that he knew what he wanted.

No response

Nick attempted to call out for the employee yet again. "Can I place my order real quick?" the TikToker asked. No response. But what Nick did hear was the subtle death knell for any hopes he had of eating late-night McDonald's.

"And that's when the click happens and the person goes, 'Sorry we're closed,'" he recalls. Nick's eyes darted towards the clock and wouldn't you know it: Midnight on the dot.

"I kinda wish I said more I just literally went," Nick then gives a blank stare and opens his mouth in disbelief.

However, he did attempt to give the McDonald's employees a leer by looking into the restaurant before he departed.

"I pulled up to the window like where the windows they're working at," he says. "Literally right up to the window. Cause inside I'm like I didn't get to say anything. I need to like show them that I'm mad right now."

Nick says he glared at the worker who was inside until they put up a "Sorry, we're closed" sign on the window.

Debate on closing times

Nick's video appears to be at the center of the great restaurant closing hours debate. The Daily Dot has previously reported on customers of other fast-food establishments who've been in similar situations. One patron slammed a restaurant for locking its doors 30 minutes before closing time, preventing her from placing an order.

Throngs of TikTokers said half an hour before closing is an acceptable time frame to put in a food order. And then some said that if a business is still technically open, then it should be catering to guests.

Other incidents were met with much less diner sympathy. One server's nightmare experience with a large party. A group of 15 arrived at their restaurant 20 minutes before closing. To make matters worse, the table was a difficult one to tend to, keeping them in the establishment even longer.

TikTokers criticize Nick

While the man from Ohio thought he made the cut-off to get food so late at night, others didn't think so. Many say that arriving a couple of minutes before closing and expecting grub was lame.

One person said, "And please keep in mind that they’re not just serving orders at that time. They’re cleaning and refilling for the next shift. There’s a lot of prep work that goes on overnight shift."

Someone else wrote, "I never go to any place minutes before closing. at least half an hour or I'll look for a 24hr spot or just make my own food."

Another user on the application confirmed Nick's fears: "That was the plan. You must have arrived very close to closing. Instead of arguing with you that they are about to close and you saying it's not closing time yet, they make you wait the few min."

The Daily Dot has emailed McDonald's and reached out to Nick via TikTok comment.

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The post ‘Pulled the most diabolical move on me’: McDonald’s customer says drive-thru worker bamboozled him right before closing appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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