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Urgent pleas to expand Paphos airport

As the summer tourist season edges towards its conclusion, Paphos airport is once again in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

While the island’s tourism industry thrives, with data indicating a steady number of visitors flocking to its shores from May until September, the airport continues to struggle with capacity issues, leaving many travellers frustrated. By the end of August, the island had welcomed over 2.2 million tourists, marking a 7 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2023.

Unlike Larnaca airport, which has seen significant improvements in operations and efficiency in recent years, Paphos has often garnered harsh criticism.

Summer has always been the ultimate test for Cyprus’ airports, with the surge in tourist numbers stretching the facilities to their limits.

Paphos airport, in particular, faces immense pressure due to its smaller size and the increasing number of flights it handles. This has resulted in frequent overcrowding, long queues, and an overall subpar experience for visitors.

One of the most common complaints is the limited space at the airport, which becomes glaringly evident during peak travel times. 

“No matter how often I travel from Paphos in the summer and how early I arrive, I never manage to have a smooth time,” says Nicolas, a French resident of Limassol. “There are simply not enough desks and too many flights. An expansion of the area seems urgent to me.”

The cramped conditions extend beyond check-in, with passengers also facing challenges after passing through security. The outside boarding area, where passengers are directed to after scanning their tickets, is excessively small, unbearably hot and ill-suited to accommodate the high volume of passengers during the summer months. 

“It’s like being in a metal box with dozens of other people, it’s unacceptable, and, on top of that, there is hardly any place to sit down,” says Anne from Birmingham, a long-time visitor to Cyprus. “I’ve mostly flown to and from Larnaca, which has steadily improved over time, but my experience at Paphos was always disappointing, especially when I travel with my children.”

Queues to get through the passport checks on arrivals

In addition, most times low-cost airlines serving the airport make passengers wait outside the aircraft for as long as 15 minutes before allowing them to board.

A policy of most low-cost airlines in Europe, this proves particularly hard during Cypriot summers, where temperatures can reach up to 45 degrees.

“Standing on the tarmac under the boiling sun is definitely not a pleasure,” Kyriacos, a student in Limassol told the Cyprus Mail. “In my opinion, this practice should be subject to directives from the Met Service.

“Like for other businesses, such as food delivery services, whenever there is a yellow or orange yellow warning, people should just not be allowed outside, it’s even dangerous.”

In addition, massive queues at passport checks on arrival are a common sight, sometimes even stretching as far as the tarmac, since the space inside the dedicated area inside the airport cannot accommodate passengers from more than three landing airplanes.

The expansion of Paphos airport has been a hot topic for several years, with plans to enhance the terminal facilities and accommodate the growing passenger numbers. However, these plans have been mired in delays and legal disputes between the Cypriot government and Hermes, the company responsible for managing the airport.

At the heart of the dispute is the implementation of Phase B of the airport’s expansion. Initially intended to begin years ago, this phase has been delayed due to financial disagreements and complications in securing the necessary funding. 

Despite the urgency of the issue, the expansion remains stalled, further exacerbating the airport’s existing issues

The transport ministry has also expressed its frustration with the delays and stressed the urgency of moving forward with the expansion. A source at the ministry told the Cyprus Mail that the issues affecting the airport are well-known and that an expansion is on the cards but did not provide a much-needed timeline for it. 

“At the moment, we don’t know when and how the expansion will proceed at Paphos airport,” the source said.

“But Paphos needs a bigger and more efficient hub, that’s for sure.”

The Audit Office has also criticised the previous administration’s handling of the negotiations with Hermes, accusing them of favouring the company and contributing to the delays.

Adding to the woes of the airport is the quality of ground handling services provided primarily by LGS Handling Ltd. Passengers have reported issues with baggage handling, aircraft servicing, and assistance, all of which contribute to the overall dissatisfaction.

A source close to the airport’s operations mentioned that the issues are well-known and that LGS Handling has been fined for failing to meet standards. Despite these measures, significant problems persist.

The roads leading to Paphos airport have also come under scrutiny. Poor lighting and inadequate maintenance make driving to the airport, especially at night, a challenge. 

“It’s just dangerous,” said an employee of a local shuttle and parking service. “At night, I always need to be extremely careful, especially with so many tourists renting cars after their flights.” These concerns have prompted calls for improvements, including better illumination and road repairs.

Paphos mayor Phedonas Phedonos has been one of the most vocal advocates for improving the airport and its surrounding infrastructure. 

He has repeatedly called for urgent refurbishment of the airport facilities and the roads leading to it. Following a meeting with relevant officials last year, Phedonos stressed the need for a collaborative effort to restore the airport’s image and address the ongoing issues.

“It is common knowledge that the expansion of Paphos airport is imperative,” Phedonos previously told the Cyprus Mail, pointing to the need for better landscaping, road repairs and stricter maintenance by Hermes.

He also highlighted the financial burden on the local municipality, stressing that Yeroskipou, where the airport is located, cannot sustain the costs of refurbishment alone. He has urged more care for the upkeep of the airport and its surroundings.

The situation at the airport is a clear example of the growing pains that come with rising tourism numbers and the challenges of keeping up with infrastructure demands. While there are plans in place to expand and improve the airport, the ongoing delays and disputes mean that, unless the situation changes rapidly, travellers will likely continue to face difficulties.

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