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Why our insight, compassion, integrity and agility matter more than AI

By Kyriaki Stinga and Dorina Mastora

There is an ongoing concern that AI might eventually take over human roles. However, as compliance officers in the legal field, we believe that while AI has its uses, it cannot replace the qualities which make us truly human. Our insight, compassion and integrity are attributes that machines can’t mimic or substitute.

Human beings possess unique characteristics that machines cannot emulate. Our ability to understand complex emotions, make ethical decisions and adapt to new situations with creativity and empathy sets us apart. To surpass the fear of being replaced by AI, we must focus on what we do best: leveraging our human qualities to add value in ways that machines cannot. As Theodore Roosvelt said in one of his most famous quotes: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”. Doesn’t it feel like a call to keep learning, honouring our skills and staying true to ourselves, so we can truly flourish in a world dominated by AI?

AI in the legal and compliance fields

When AI first emerged, many of us doubted that it would work. However, as we saw it rapidly change, we began to fear it replacing us. AI can swiftly scan through contracts, forecast litigation outcomes based on past data, and keep a real-time eye on regulatory compliance. As a result, legal and compliance professionals can shift their attention to the more strategic and nuanced parts of their roles, where human intuition and judgement truly make a difference.

Our minds are our greatest asset. In compliance, we use our knowledge, analytical skills and experience to understand and navigate complex legal situations. While AI can process data and spot patterns, it can’t replicate the deep understanding that comes from years of learning and experience. We understand legal rules and human behaviour in ways that AI simply can’t.

Compassion is at the core of what we do in compliance. It drives us to act fairly, protect the vulnerable and ensure our decisions are for the greater good. AI lacks the ability to feel or understand human emotions, so it can’t fully appreciate the impact of our decisions or wrestle with ethical dilemmas. Our compassion helps us consider each client’s unique situation and make decisions that are fair and empathetic.

Integrity is what keeps us grounded. It’s our inner strength that fuels our dedication to our work and helps us stay true to our values. It’s what motivates us to continuously improve and face challenges head-on. Integrity reminds us why we chose this path and helps us stay committed to doing our best, even as technology evolves. As AI becomes more integrated into our work, it’s our human qualities – insight, compassion, and integrity – that will help us use the technology more effectively. AI can support us, but it can’t replace the depth of human judgement. Our critical thinking, ethical values and dedication will guide how we use AI in our practice, ensuring that we balance technology with a human touch.

Agile methodology in legal and compliance

Today, clients require a new approach, which is often found in companies that embrace agile methodology. There are several values that characterise a corporation that uses agile-like teamwork, flexibility and ongoing improvement. For instance, when a new law is introduced, an agile approach helps teams quickly adjust their compliance plans, solve problems as they arise and adapt to changes efficiently.

This adaptability not only makes legal and compliance work more efficient but also allows professionals to provide timely and relevant advice. Embracing an agile mindset fosters a culture of innovation, where teams are encouraged to experiment, learn, and continuously improve. These values are essential to thrive in a world where AI is rapidly providing the fastest solutions.

The power of authenticity

It’s also worth noting that AI is now being used by children and students to solve problems rapidly. While this capability is impressive, it should be seen as a red flag. The use of these machines should enhance our knowledge, not replace it or make us lazy. AI should free up our time for more complex and authentic decision-making, allowing us to focus on tasks that require deep thinking and creativity.

We must not forget to continually expand our knowledge and maintain our integrity and authenticity. If we rely too heavily on AI without advancing our own understanding and ethical standards, we risk creating a uniform, homogenised society. Imagine a world where everyone relies on the same templates and formats, business orientation, leadership style, losing the diversity of thought and individuality that drive innovation and progress.

Consider this scenario: A compliance officer uses AI to review a company’s international transactions for compliance with sanctions. The AI flags a payment to a vendor in a country under sanctions, suggesting a possible violation.

Example: The AI does not account for the fact that the vendor is a registered subsidiary of the company in a different country, which is exempt from the sanctions due to a specific licence.

Advice: A human compliance officer, understanding the licensing details and the vendor’s status, would advise that the payment is compliant, and no action is needed. They would ensure that the necessary documentation for the exemption is maintained.

This illustrates that by combining AI with our critical and agile thinking, we can avoid this scenario and ensure that technology serves as a tool to elevate human potential, not diminish it.

The authenticity of a human being is a unique and powerful tool that involves being true to us, showing empathy, and acting with integrity. By embracing our humanity, we can build stronger connections with clients, colleagues and the wider community. These relationships are built on trust and mutual respect, which are indispensable in the legal and compliance fields.

To show the robotic world what we can do better, we must leverage our unique human qualities. By learning more, we expand our knowledge and stay ahead of technological advancements. By being agile, we adapt to changes and remain relevant in our professions. By showing compassion, we connect with others on a deeper level and provide support that AI cannot offer. And by acting with integrity, we uphold ethical standards that are essential for a just and fair society.

AI is definitely a powerful tool that can augment our capabilities, but it cannot replace the essence of what makes us human. Our insight, compassion, integrity and agility are not just important; they are indispensable. By being authentically human, we can succeed in ways that machines never can, offering incomparable value to our clients, our communities and the world.

In the end, it is our humanity that makes us exceptional. The time has come for the world to welcome better humans – by committing to continuous learning, agile thinking, compassionate actions and unwavering integrity, we can achieve truly extraordinary results.

Kyriaki Stinga is a senior associate and Dorina Mastora is a deputy compliance officer at Elias Neocleous law firm

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