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Government silent on US use of British bases

The Cypriot government stated it is not in a position to comment on the operations of third countries, following reports that US aircraft are using the British bases on the island to transport weapons and ammunition to Israel amidst the Gaza war.

The UK government confirmed the landing of US aircraft at the Sovereign Base Area.

According to a report by Declassified UK, since the beginning of the Gaza bombings, the US Air Force has been using unmarked C-295 and CN-235 planes to fly from Britain’s RAF Akrotiri base in Cyprus to Tel Aviv, Israel. Declassified’s investigations revealed that 18 such aircraft have made trips from RAF Akrotiri to Tel Aviv since October 7.

The article comes following a number of reports that have highlighted how the British government is using its bases to support Israel’s bombing in Gaza.

However, the UK government has consistently refused to provide information on US operations at Akrotiri, including the transportation of weapons to Israel. When queried by the Cyprus Mail, a Ministry of Defence spokesperson confirmed that US military aircraft have been landing at the Sovereign Base Area with permission but did not comment on the purpose of those flights.

The spokesperson explained that it is standard practice for the Ministry of Defence to routinely authorise requests for limited numbers of allies and partners to access the UK’s air bases. However, for operational security reasons and as a matter of policy, the MOD does not provide comment or information relating to any foreign nations’ military aircraft movements or operations.

“In response to the situation in Israel and Gaza, we are working with international partners to de-escalate the conflict, reinforce stability, and support humanitarian efforts in the region. Any use of UK bases will be in line with these objectives,” the spokesperson added.

An SBA spokesperson also confirmed to the Cyprus Mail that “any activity taking place on the British bases is always shared with the [Cypriot] government.

“We are in constant communication with them,” they added.

When asked whether the Cypriot government was informed about the use of British bases on the island by US aircraft, Government Spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis replied, “Contacts and communication between the Cypriot Government and the UK regarding actions at the British bases take place within the framework defined by the Treaty of Establishment and its accompanying documents.”

“The Cypriot Government is not in a position to comment on the operations of third countries.”

Letymbiotis, who had previously stated that the government is “in constant contact” with the United Kingdom regarding the use of the British bases said their status “is very specific, and their use by the British should occur within this framework”.

“The security of Cyprus and the population on the island, as well as our relations with states in the region, is the highest priority of the government in relevant contacts,” he noted and reiterated that the Republic of Cyprus is not involved in any military operations.

According to Declassified UK, the unmarked planes traveling from Akrotiri to Israel between November and June had serial numbers indicating they were operated by the USAF, with most flights using the number GONZO62. Additionally, six more unmarked C-130 planes, believed to be USAF, have flown from Akrotiri to Tel Aviv since the Gaza bombings began, although their exact operator could not be confirmed. The C-130 aircraft can transport 128 combat troops and nearly 20 tonnes of cargo.

Furthermore, Declassified reports reveal that since the bombing of Gaza began, 26 marked US Air Force (USAF) planes have landed at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus. These arrivals include 16 large C-17 military transport aircraft from US bases in Germany, Spain, and Kuwait. The C-17 can transport 134 personnel and a wide range of military equipment, including Abrams tanks and Black Hawk helicopters. The US military states that the C-17’s role is to “rapidly project and sustain an effective combat force close to a potential battle area.”

According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, over 40 US transport aircraft had flown to RAF Akrotiri by October 2023, carrying equipment, arms, and forces. Haaretz reported that these planes were loaded with cargo from US and Nato strategic depots in Europe, with around half of the flights delivering military aid.

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