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Architects Against Housing Alienation – Not for Sale!: 5. Gentrification Tax

Architects Against Housing Alienation (AAHA) occupied the Canadian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2023 with Not for Sale!, their campaign of ten demands for decommodified housing in c\a\n\a\d\a. The following is an extended description of one of these demands and proposal made up of an activist strategy, a plan for implementation, and an architectural project.

5. Gentrification Tax

Tenants in large cities are vulnerable to displacement by gentrification as landlords use all means to either raise their rents or to replace them with higher paying residents. In order to maintain affordability and stability, we demand a gentrification tax on sale of residential real estate earmarked to fund deeply affordable rental housing secured within community land trusts, so the value produced by the neighbourhood stays within it.

The Unearned Increment is the value embedded in real estate that is not created by a private owner, but by the surrounding community: by indigenous people, local cultural, tenants, neighborhoods, and community organizations. This value has the potential to be captured and retained locally by Community Land Trusts through a Gentrification Tax

Through gentrification landlords profit from an “unearned increment”; the value embedded in real estate not created by a private owner, but by Indigenous people, local cultures, tenants, neighborhood and community organizations, publicly funded infrastructure, and non-human biotic and abiotic ecologies.

This tax calculator at gentrification.tax uses the difference between the purchase and sale price of a home to calculate a declining percentage tax, which decreases the longer an owner owns a propoerty and gives back to the community.

Cities across c\a\n\a\d\a could enact a gentrification tax to capture this unearned increment of value and use its revenue to fund affordable housing. Capital gains on property will be taxed when sold, at a percentage that decreases as the time from purchase increases, in order to disincentivize flipping. The tax revenue will be dedicated to funding housing secured in community land trusts operating in the neighborhood from which the revenue was collected. This hypothecated tax would collect a new magnitude of sustainable funding for housing, In the face of increased immigration and the polarization of cities between renters and owners, a new income stream for housing affordability is the only way to create a truly sustainable and equitable city. By ensuring the construction, renovation, and maintenance of affordable housing in the neighbourhoods most at risk of gentrification, this tax would enable the creation of land trust cities.

These posters are designed to highlight the value created by the community that is extracted from it when an owner sells their home.

We demand that the City of Toronto create a Gentrification Tax. To illustrate the transformative potential of this instrument, we have developed a case study in the downtown Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale. This neighbourhood still contains large stock of affordable rental units for low-income residents, a majority of whom are black, Indigenous and or people of colour. Currently, both mid-rise apartments and rooming houses are under threat from corporate landlords and real estate investment trusts (REITs), who financialize housing, increasing rents and forcing out existing tenants.

The unearned increment is captured through a gentrification tax on gains from home sales that could add substantially to the City of Toronto’s housing budget.

In response to this ongoing crisis of housing financialization, the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT) has purchased rooming houses and low-rise apartment buildings, taking land out of the competitive housing market. The Gentrification Tax will provide funding for PNLT to add mid-rise apartment buildings to its trust, taking this valuable building stock off the market and out of the reach financialized landlords.

A new gentrification tax as a new funding stream has the potential to create new affordable, stable, suitable and decommodified housing.

Architectural investments will then be made in these buildings to create long term housing that is sustainable, accessible, generous and collective. At grade, dense new landscape and community facilities will create generous public spaces, activating the public realm and connecting it to adjacent parks and greenspaces.

An existing building acquired by a Community Land Trust (CLT), all units at 109 Jameson are kept affordable for low- and middle-income households.

Select additions and renovations to existing buildings will create new public and private amenity space, additional family-sized and accessible units, while minimizing disruption to existing tenants and ensuring they can remain in their homes. The aggregation of formerly private rental properties into a network of Land Trust properties will render new civic forms in Toronto neighborhoods.

At grade, dense new landscape and community facilities will create generous public spaces, activating the public realm and connecting it to adjacent parks and greenspaces. Select additions and renovations to existing buildings will create new public and private amenity space, additional family-sized units, and improved accessible units, while minimizing disruption to existing tenants.
Many buildings have excess capacity and new guidelines for density allow for intensification, so it may be possible to add units on top of existing buildings as LGA has done on projects such as St. Clare’s Multifaith Housing – 25 Leonard Street in Toronto.

Gentrification Tax Contributors:

Region: Toronto

Activist: Joshua Barndt, Monica Hutton, James Partanen, Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust

Advocate: Sameer Farooq, Kika Thorne, Ali S. Qadeer, Jane Mah Hutton, Adrian Blackwell, Gentrification Tax Action

Architect: Bradley Dunn, Janna Levitt, Joe Loreto, Conrad Speckert, Ivee Wang, LGA Architectural Partners Michael Piper, tuf lab Michael Hopkins, Blackwell Engineers; The HIDI Group; Vermeulen Quantity Surveyors


The post Architects Against Housing Alienation – Not for Sale!: 5. Gentrification Tax appeared first on Canadian Architect.

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