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How Olympic host cities have recycled 5G infrastructure to improve locals' internet speeds and connectivity

5G networks deployed in Olympic host cities continue to be used after the Games.
  • Large sporting events like the Olympics require huge amounts of connectivity infrastructure.
  • The infrastructure is used after the events themselves, leaving a legacy for host-city dwellers.
  • This article is part of "5G Playbook," a series exploring one of our time's most important tech innovations.

In Paris, athletes are bringing their best and breaking records. But achievements at the 2024 Summer Games go beyond the physical feats broadcast around the world.

Behind the scenes, 5G infrastructure is powering live broadcasts worldwide and the moments spectators and athletes capture and post on social media.

High-speed fiber-optic networks, 5G cellular towers, and advanced WiFi systems have been deployed at 120 sites across Paris to handle the internet demands of global broadcasters, millions of visitors, and the Games' intricate operations.

Events as expansive and popular as the Olympics demand robust and high-capacity networks to broadcast live events to viewers worldwide and support the digital needs of athletes, officials, and spectators.

Rolf Werner, the head of mobile networks in Europe at Nokia, said that with careful planning, these types of 5G connectivity investments can last for years.

"By investing in 5G infrastructure, cities can create a robust digital foundation that benefits local communities long after the event has concluded," Werner told Business Insider. That includes strengthening local businesses' internet connectivity, he said.

Sandeep Raithatha, the head of strategy, innovation, and 5G IoT products at Virgin Media O2, said private 5G networks that were initially deployed in Olympic venues for broadcast-service use could be repurposed for live events.

"Once installed, these networks can continue to be utilized for future events as well, ensuring a lasting benefit beyond the initial investment," Raithatha told BI.

That's been the case for Olympic host cities like London and Tokyo, where 5G installations continue to power connectivity for residents and visitors.

London 2012: Stratford Halo

Virgin Media O2 upgraded London's connectivity infrastructure when the city hosted the Games in 2012.

"This included installing additional masts around major airports to ensure tourists could get online immediately and deploying small cells around the venues so that fans could consistently connect in densely populated areas, whether to send selfies, stream videos, or share their location for safety reasons," Raithatha said.

One key build was the Stratford Halo, which acted as the TV broadcasting tower for the Games. After the event, it became a hub for YouTubers and other content creators because of its gigabit-speed internet connectivity. It was considered revolutionary because the average internet speed in the UK at the time was slower.

The planning efforts allowed the Stratford Halo to be repurposed into a residential building two years after the closing ceremony.

In the lead-up to the Games, connectivity infrastructure was embedded in the London Underground light-rail network and the Westfield shopping center in Stratford. Communities continue to rely on this technology for internet access.

Tokyo 2020: Tokyo Data Highway

Japan has a reputation as a technology innovator. But its capital, Tokyo, which in 2021 hosted the delayed 2020 Summer Olympics, had a meager showing of 5G infrastructure.

5G technology wasn't adopted at a consumer level until 2019, and Japan's 5G-infrastructure rollout was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, just 10 5G towers were installed.

But 5G technology became more common by 2021, two years after Tokyo launched its 5G-infrastructure project, the Tokyo Data Highway. Buoyed by the Olympics, the city added dozens of 5G towers to its connectivity system, expanding to 149 installations in 2021.

The goal is to have 5G available throughout the city by 2030, though it's unclear how far along the project is.

Beijing 2022: Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway

The 108-mile Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway connected the host city of the 2022 Winter Olympics with the rest of China.

It linked Beijing to the competition space outside the Chinese capital where events like ski jumping, snowboarding, and freestyle skiing took place. Athletes were able to take the driverless train between the two locations at speeds of up to 217 mph.

But the railway's legacy goes beyond the hyperfast transportation it continues to provide; it was also the first high-speed train equipped with 5G coverage.

The train route was also lined with 5G signal towers to ensure reliable, high-speed internet. In 2022, the 5G technology was fast enough that train riders could watch the opening ceremony on their personal devices. Now riders can enjoy superfast interest connections while traveling on the railway.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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