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I took a luxurious sightseeing train in Japan for just $12. The stunning views weren't even the best part.

For $12, I took a trip on a luxury Japanese train from Nara to Kyoto.
  • I paid $12 to take a luxurious sightseeing train in Japan from Nara to Kyoto.
  • Because I was traveling solo, I had to purchase two twin seats, sold as a pair.
  • The train had comfortable plush chairs, a café, a reading nook, and a bidet in the bathroom.

Japan may be known for its network of high-speed bullet trains, but one of the country's trendiest train trips takes around 35 minutes and screams luxury.

The Kintetsu Railway's Sightseeing Limited Express "Aoniyoshi" train connects Osaka, Nara, and Kyoto and makes train travel stylish and convenient.

While solo traveling in Kyoto this winter, I planned a day trip to Nara: a city known for its wild deer, Buddhist temples, and historic sake breweries.

Although I decided to take a basic train there, I decided to treat myself to a trip on the Sightseeing Limited Express Aoniyoshi train on the way back.

That decision came at a negligible cost — both in money and in time — and the ensuing ride encapsulated some of the best parts of Japan.

Here's what my trip on Japan's Aoniyoshi train was like.

The train required multiple tickets, which was a little confusing.
Because I was traveling solo, I had to purchase two seats on the train as well as a basic-fare ticket.

The Limited Express train requires all passengers to pre-book their tickets, so I bought mine online two nights before my trip.

Seating options ranged from salon chairs, which could fit up to four people, to twin seats that either faced the window or each other.

Because I was traveling solo, I had to purchase both twin seats, sold as a pair. I purchased an adult and child fare, which cost me 1,100 yen, or about $7 in total.

At the end of the day, though, I only would've saved a few dollars if I had split the cost of two adult tickets with a friend.

Kintetsu's website succinctly outlined how to buy an Aoniyoshi ticket, but the multi-step process still confused me.

Eventually, I realized that I also needed a basic-fare ticket to use my reservation, so I bought one at Kintetsu-Nara station for 760 yen (about $5) before my train left.

The boarding process was quick and easy.
The train had a beautiful floral design on the outside.

Despite minor hiccups in securing a ticket, the trip itself proved seamless. After the train — in its purple, floral glory — clattered into the station, I boarded quickly, grateful for my pre-booked seat.

Once on board, I was delighted by the train’s interior and scenery.
The sightseeing windows offered beautiful views of Japan.

With long windows, ample space, and a purple-and-green theme, each car's aesthetic evoked a combination of Wes Anderson and Willy Wonka — in the best way.

Archways bordered the salon seats in one of the cars, while rugs and ceilings throughout the train varied in patterns, surrounding me with details.

The external views proved equally breathtaking. As we wound between Japanese cities, the sightseeing windows offered glimpses of temples and towns alike.

The journey passed too quickly to enjoy all the amenities.
The tiny café sold desserts that matched the train's purple interior.

When we first boarded the train, I noticed lots of passengers flocking to Car Two, where a tiny café sold desserts that matched the train's purple interior. The café also sold beer in specialty bottles depicting the train's likeness.

Given the trip's length, however, I didn't have time for a snack. The couple seated across from me spent nearly the entire journey in the café line and had to chug their beers upon reaching the station in Kyoto.

Even so, the café car was a nice touch, and I appreciated the railway's focus on the passenger experience.

In the United States, the closest comparison is perhaps Florida's Brightline train, which offers great scenery, clean cars, and food and drink services. However, I found the Aoniyoshi train distilled even more amenities into a whirlwind of a ride.

For example, I noticed one car had both seating and a library nook with an adjacent sofa. The bathrooms were also spacious and clean, with — yes — bidets.

The train capped off an ideal day of sightseeing.
I wished the train ran more frequently so I could've spent more time in Nara.

By the time I arrived back in Kyoto, I didn't care that I'd spent a few extra dollars and minutes securing my ticket. I only wished that the Aoniyoshi train ran more frequently — I left Nara with more artisan shops to visit, deer to feed, and mochi to taste, and would've liked to extend my afternoon there.

Yet even with limited operations, the ride captured Japan's attention to detail, hospitable nature, and love of whimsy — all in under an hour.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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