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Action Alert: Save Prince Ave

Action Alert: Save Prince Ave

Urge the Mayor and County Commission to approve the proposed design for TSPLOST 2018 Project 16 Sub-Project #1 and #5 on Prince Ave for the safety of all road users. The 2022 Prince Ave Pilot Project was is a clear success. Traffic is calmer with fewer accidents (see bar chart from ACC Transportation & Public Works), and cyclists and pedestrians report feeling safer along the roadway. The area feels more people-oriented, so much so that even those business owners who initially had concerns now support the project because they’ve seen firsthand how more transportation options and increased safety infrastructure benefit communities.

It’s time to take what we’ve learned from the project and make it permanent. The improvements for a vote include optimizing two intersections (Cobb and Pulaski), installing more protective bike lane barriers, improving crosswalks, and adding ADA accessibility ramps.

On Tuesday, November 19th, the Athens Mayor and Commission will hold an agenda-setting meeting and are seeking public input about the proposed course of action. They will vote on December 3rd to implement or reject the planned changes. There is reason to believe that not all commissioners are eager to keep Prince Ave a safe place for all, which is why Athens needs you to speak up and make a difference!

Four ways to speak up to keep Prince Ave people centered

Your voice matters, and the more people who contact the Mayor and Commissioner, the better a chance we have to keep these meaningful transportation changes. Try to focus your input on how these improvements will benefit our community by making Prince Avenue safer and more accessible for everyone. Remember, keep your comments respectful and constructive.

1. Give your input at a Mayor and Commissioner meeting

Speaking at a meeting is the most direct way to show your support. During the public comment portion of the meeting, you’ll be allowed 2 minutes to state your name and address and explain why it’s important to you that the county approves continuing Prince Ave safety measures. Consider practicing your remarks ahead of time and focusing on your connection to Prince and why these improvements matter to you.

Tuesday, November 19th or Tuesday, December 3rd
City Hall 301 College Ave
Meetings typically start at 6:00 p.m. with time for public comment up first

2. Reach out to your commissioner directly by phone or email

Use this search tool to look up your district’s commissioner and contact them directly. Whether you choose to email or call, be specific about your support for the Prince Avenue improvements by politely asking them to vote to approve the designs on December 3rd. Share your experiences and explain why the project matters to you personally. Also, remember to include your address so your local representative knows you are a voter in their district.

3. Fill out the agenda comment form

If you cannot make one of the meetings in person, please fill out the public comment form, listing the Agenda Item Number, Letter, or Name as TSPLOST 2018 Project 16, Prince Avenue Corridor Improvements. These comments are distributed to the mayor and all commissioners before the meeting.

4. Encourage your friends and family to do the same

Help amplify these efforts by spreading the word! Share this information with neighbors, post on social media, and encourage friends and family who use Prince Avenue to voice their opinions and submit comments. The more voices supporting these improvements, the stronger the message to our commissioners and the safer the roadway and sidewalks will be for everyone.

Remember, however you choose to use your voice, please keep your comments respectful and positive. Your words will help shape the future of Athens.

Countdown to Vote


BikeAthens depends on tax- deductible donations to sustain efforts like this. Consider giving today to support efforts like this.


The ACC Mayor and Commission on behalf of everyone who walks, rides, or drives along the Prince Ave corridor


Approve important safety measures based on the successful pilot project installed in 2022, including ADA accessibility ramps, crosswalk improvements, and sturdier bike lane buffers


These improvements will make the area safer for all road users, whether people are walking, riding, or driving


Along Prince Ave from Milledge to Pulaski St with new greenscape features at Cobb St intersection


With your help. Many groups and organizations have participated in bringing these changes to Athens, along with a lot of public input, and construction will be funded by TSPLOST 2018 revenues. HOWEVER, commissioners still need to hear from you before they approve or deny the next phase of the project.

Sample Comment

Good evening. My name is [your name], and I live in [your address].

I’m here to voice my support for making the Prince Avenue bike lanes and safety improvements permanent. These changes have proven their worth through reduced crash rates since their installation. This infrastructure isn’t just about cycling – it’s about creating safer streets for everyone in our community.

[Explain how you personally use and benefit from the Prince Avenue improvements.]

I urge you to vote in favor of making these improvements permanent. Thank you for your time.

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