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The Kamalafornia Republic

The Kamalafornia Republic

The vice president is profoundly out of step with the American people—one might even say “weird.”

Credit: Ringo Chiu via Shutterstock

No matter what cover the corrupt corporate media provides for Kamala Harris, nothing changes the fact that she wants to make America a sanctuary nation. If you thought the last three years were bad, wait until this California liberal takes the White House. 

You had better believe it: more mass amnesty, more mass redistribution of taxpayer dollars to illegals, more mass death tolls from fentanyl, more mass human trafficking numbers, and more mass crime will be unleashed under President Harris. Kamala’s vision will plague our country with boundless misery. It will be the tragedy of California at the national level. It will be Kamalafornia.

Combine this fact with the corrupt media’s unwavering support for the Democratic Party, and you have the perfect recipe for revisionist history. That is why, as soon as Kamala entered the presidential race, the corrupt media went into overdrive attempting to wipe the internet clean of Kamala’s terrible record. 

This move by the Marxist media is a necessary strategy for them. The media knows how bad a candidate Kamala really is. They know how unpopular her immigration and border policies are with the American people. But the mainstream media is an arm of the Democratic Party, comprising militant partisans masquerading as journalists. 

This backtracking by the media on Kamala’s globalist immigration agenda was truly impressive to watch. Despite the fact that Kamala was assigned the job of “border czar” by Joe Biden in 2021, the media now wants you to believe this was a figment of your imagination. Don’t believe your lying eyes.

Outlets like Axios and GovTrack, which boasts that it is “one of the oldest government transparency websites in the world,” were among the most obvious offenders. Before the Biden palace coup, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC proudly touted Kamala as the “border czar.” But when Kamala was installed as the Democratic nominee, these outlets reversed course. POLITICO even claimed that “the Biden-Harris administration has kicked out far more immigrants than Trump ever managed to.” As you read this, I’m sure there are other outlets erasing history at the behest of the Democrats. 

This was all predictable. After all, Kamala has previewed what she would do in the Oval Office for the last three years. As border czar, Kamala oversaw the largest invasion in the history of our country. Under Kamala’s watch, at least 10 million illegals have been encountered at the border. Some studies suggest there are over 20 million illegals currently in the United States. 

Countless Americans have been killed as a result of the border crisis. Over 50 radical Islamic terrorists are running loose in the interior of our country. Two hundred and fifty thousand of our brothers and sisters have died because of fentanyl pouring into our communities. Women and children are being subjected to sexual assault and rape. No one feels safe anymore under this radical regime. It has opened the floodgates into our homeland.

And don’t be fooled. Kamala has no intention of changing her ways if she becomes president. Don’t take my word for it. Take it from Kamala’s campaign manager, Julie Chávez Rodríguez. The granddaughter of the communist-aligned Cesar Chavez, Chávez Rodríguez recently said Kamala Harris would continue Biden’s border policies if she becomes President. 

This, too, was predictable. Of course she would be all for Joe Biden’s failed border and immigration policies. Before becoming vice president, Kamala said she supported legislation that would provide “Medicare for All” to illegals. As California’s attorney general, Kamala sided with then-Mayor Gavin Newsom’s sanctuary city policies in San Francisco. During her first failed 2020 presidential Debate, Kamala stated that she supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings altogether.

As a senator, Kamala compared ICE to the Ku Klux Klan. She introduced a bill that would prohibit DHS from using any federal funds to construct or expand detention centers for illegals. She introduced legislation that would allow illegal aliens to receive work authorization in the United States. She repeatedly demanded protections for DACA recipients. Far-left immigration groups, like the Latino Victory Fund, paraded Kamala around to solicit funding from her Globalist-elite backers in Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

In recent days, Kamala’s cronies and the mainstream media have attempted to paint President Trump and J.D. Vance as “weird.” Don’t even get me started on all of Kamala’s policies that most Americans find weird. 

But I will say this. I think it’s weird that Kamala doesn’t seem to care about the murders, rapes, and assaults that are happening because of our open borders. I think it’s weird she’s not worried about the terrorists roaming free in our country. I think it’s weird she discusses the troubles of a mentally-disturbed transgender, Dylan Mulvaney, instead of Laken Riley, who was brutally murdered at the hands of an illegal. I think it’s weird that the mainstream media are hiding the truth about Kamala’s abysmal record on border security and illegal immigration.

That’s “weird” to me. The Democrats’ Mainstream Media Militia and Kamala Harris should be ashamed that they’re running on calling our American First candidates “weird.” The American people are hurting, just as the millions of Californians have suffered under the Democrat Iron Fist for decades. 

We need to take this country back before it’s too late. If we’re not careful, we will have at least another four years of this nightmare. Kamalafornia is no place where I want my children and grandchildren to grow up. And no new spin by the Mainstream Media Militia will change that. The American people have 95 days to find out who Kamala Harris really is—before it is too late.

The post The Kamalafornia Republic appeared first on The American Conservative.

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