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Soros, Omidyar, Ford Fund New York Times Reporter Tweeting About Israel’s Gaza ‘Massacre’

The New York Times newspaper. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

For coverage of the war in Gaza, the New York Times has turned to a reporter whose opinionated social media posts accuse Israel of a “massacre” and who is being funded with money from charities with anti-Israel track records.

“Gaza’s Medical Workers Face Detention and Death” was the headline over a recent New York Times news article. It’s the latest example of gullible New York Times coverage of Gaza health care challenges, a topic that has been a recurring problem for the newspaper. In October 2023, the Times published an “editors’ note” acknowledging that editors “should have taken more care” with coverage of an explosion near Al Ahli hospital. In February, I highlighted issues with the Times‘ coverage of Nasser hospital.

The new Times article includes this context paragraph: “Since the Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7, many hospitals in Gaza have come under attack from the Israeli military, which has accused Hamas fighters of using them as bases. Hamas and Palestinian doctors have repeatedly denied that claim.”

Why would the Times take a he-said, she-said approach to this one, repeating those Hamas and Palestinian denials without informing readers that they are false?

Even the Times itself reported back in February, about Al-Shifa hospital, “Evidence examined by the New York Times suggests Hamas used the hospital for cover, stored weapons inside it, and maintained a hardened tunnel beneath the complex that was supplied with water, power, and air-conditioning.” A Jan. 2, 2024 Times article was headlined, “Hamas Used Gaza Hospital as a Command Center, US Intelligence Says.” That January article reported, “The complex was used by both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad to command forces fighting against Israel, according to the intelligence.”

Instead of asking the Gaza doctors about the terrorists and kidnappers using the hospitals as cover, the Times conveyed the doctors’ complaints about Israel. It also conveyed the complaints of advocacy groups such as Amnesty International and Medical Aid for Palestinians whose anti-Israel bias has been extensively documented by NGO Monitor.

How’d this latest piece wind up in the newspaper? The byline, Anjana Sankar, isn’t a familiar name to longtime readers of Times coverage of Israel, Gaza, or foreign affairs. Her posts on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, are unusually opinionated for a Times reporter. A July 9 post featured photos of blood-spattered children with Sankar’s comment, “Unimaginable horror again in #Gaza as Israel strikes a school building sheltering displaced people. Israeli army says the incident is under review. Hamas calls for worldwide protests against the massacre. When will this end?????” A July 21 post said, “Biden has decided not to seek re-election. He will be remembered as one of the great American presidents, having beaten Donald Trump and paved the way for the first Black woman and first South Asian descendant to become a major party’s presidential nominee.”

Anjana Sankar. Photo: Screenshot

It turns out that Sankar was at the Times as part of a fellowship from the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF). That organization receives $250,000 a year from George and Alexander Soros’s Open Society Foundation, $100,000 a year from Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund, and $200,000 a year from the Ford Foundation, according to the most recently available IWMF tax return. Open Society and Ford also back the Quincy Institute, Soros has backed anti-Zionist Peter Beinart’s publication Jewish Currents and efforts to cut off arms to Israel, and Omidyar’s The Intercept has been criticizing the New York Times for being too pro-Israel in its coverage of the Gaza war.

I asked the IWMF if there was designated funding for Sankar’s New York Times fellowship and if so, where it was from. All that the organization’s communications director Charlotte Fox would say is that the fellowship “is funded by a variety of sources, including individuals, foundations, media companies, and other corporations.”

I asked the New York Times about the reporter’s social media posts and about whether the fellowship allows the International Women’s Media Foundation to sell donors with an agenda access to the Times news columns. A Times spokeswoman replied, “Ms. Sankar’s two-month fellowship concluded last weekend.” Shortly thereafter, Sanker’s bio on X/Twitter changed; the words “currently with the New York Times” no longer appear.

Ira Stoll was managing editor of The Forward and North American editor of The Jerusalem Post. His media critique, a regular Algemeiner feature, can be found here.

The post Soros, Omidyar, Ford Fund New York Times Reporter Tweeting About Israel’s Gaza ‘Massacre’ first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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