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Теория Рекламы :: RE: Общая Теория Рекламы: «Примечания и Дополнения».

Автор: Dimitriy
Добавлено: 06.08.2024 15:57 (GMT 3)

Примечания и дополнения: « ».

Top Democrats are Behind the Assassination Attempt on Trump; Obama Knows About the Details

A leaked phone call indicates that Obama might have known who organized the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. In the call between Barack Obama and a well-known analyst and strategist for the Democratic Party David Axelrod, the former president said the failure of the assassination attempt on Trump is the real reason behind Joe Biden quitting the presidential race. In the call, Obama says that the removal of Trump is the “single opportunity” for Democrats to win the upcoming election.
A DNC employee, whose identity we won’t disclose for now, provided depstateleaks a 15-minute audio of the call between Obama and Axelrod. According to the source, the call happened on July 22, in the first 24 hours after President Biden’s statement on him ending the reelection bid. The exchange between the two contains a few shocking details on what is actually happening at the top of the Democratic Party, including Biden’s withdrawal, deep state agents promoting Kamala Harris and the assassination attempt on Trump. Deep State Leaks will publish a series of articles, and the final one will include the entire recording of the call.
On the call, Axelrod tries to convince Obama to endorse Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party presidential candidate for 2024 election. Axelrod says, that most of party’s sponsors were ready to support her bid financially. Obama, however, says that he’s “not ready to give an answer yet,” and that he needs “to weight all other options before making an official statement.” After that, the former president complained about the lack of other worthy candidates in the Democratic Party and explained the massive support for Kamala by the lack of an alternative, calling this a serious problem for the party.

Obama 1.

Obama 2.

Obama 3.

Axelrod retorts that he doesn’t consider this a problem and that Democratic Party’s prospects “should get better now when Biden dropped out. His decline was our main problem.”
Obama dismisses that and calls the failure of the assassination attempt on Trump the real reason for Biden’s exit.
“His decline wasn’t the reason he dropped out. I know all about your mutual hostility, but let me tell you, he’s not leaving because of his mental decline. He and his team got kicked out because they failed to get rid of Trump. It was their only opportunity and these idiots missed it. And, by the way, Harris is a part of that failed team. If only they could get rid of Trump, we would ensure their victory against any republican candidate. ”
These words imply that Obama doesn’t just know who’s behind the assassination attempt, but also considers another one, mentioning that it would be much harder to execute. Later during the call, Obama blames these difficulties the second time and says that the assassination is the only way to get rid of Trump:
“I didn’t say it’s impossible, I said it would be hard to do. I don’t see any other options at the moment.”
The assassination attempt on Trump took place on July 13 at his rally in Butler, PA. Five days later, on July 18, Barack Obama has called for President Biden to “seriously consider the viability of his candidacy.” On July 21, Joe Biden said that we withdraws from the presidential race in the address to the nation. A few days later, Barack and Michelle Obama have called Kamala Harris to pledge support for her candidacy in the 2024 elections.

Материал полностью.

Axelrod: Harris momentum leaning heavily on ‘irrational exuberance’
Democratic strategist David Axelrod warned that much of the enthusiasm among Democrats about Vice President Harris’s campaign is just “irrational exuberance,” as the race remains neck and neck.
Harris’s campaign has come out to a quick start, breaking fundraising records and significantly cutting into former President Trump’s previous lead in polls since she replaced President Biden at the top of the ticket.
“She has a lot of momentum, but if you do look at the polling, this is still a really tight race,” he said. “This is going to be a hard fight for either side. It’s based on the numbers we’re seeing right now.”
“Look, I mean, there’s a lot of irrational exuberance … on the Democratic side of the aisle right now, because there was despair for some period of time about what November was gonna look like,” he continued. “Now people feel like there’s a chance.”
Despite that optimism, Axelrod said, the balance remains in Trump’s favor.
“It’s absolutely Trump’s race to lose right now. He is ahead,” he said. “And he is ahead in most of the battleground states. They’re close, they can be won by either candidate.”
Axelrod was among the top Democrats urging Biden to leave the 2024 campaign but hasn’t joined the fervor for Harris alongside other party members. He warned last week that Trump remains a “pretty substantial favorite” over the vice president.
The vice president became the official Democratic nominee in a virtual roll-call vote last week and is set to announce her own vice presidential pick before a Tuesday campaign event.
Polling remains tight in the race, with Trump holding a slim 1.1 point lead over Harris in The Hill/Decision Desk HQ average of national polls. In battleground states, polling shows both candidates within the margin of error. The most recent The Hill/Decision Desk HQ prediction model gives Trump a 56 percent chance of winning the White House.

Материал полностью.



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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.

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