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Best Black Ops 6 Model L loadout and class setup

The XM4 and AK-74 are unquestionably impressive assault rifles unlocked very early on. However, if you can tear yourself away from them then you’ll find that the Model L is actually a better pick in most cases. All you’ll need is the best Black Ops 6 Model L loadout at the ready.

Unlocked at level 40, the Model L does more damage than the XM4 and is much more controllable and agile than the AK-74. Although it has a slower rate of fire to compensate for these strengths, its time-to-kill is neck and neck with the XM4 loadout. In other words, it’s one of the best Black Ops 6 weapon loadouts you can use.

Best Black Ops 6 Model L loadout

(Image credit: Activision)

The best Black Ops 6 Model L loadout is:

  • Optic: Kepler Microflex
  • Muzzle: Compensator
  • Barrel: Reinforced Barrel
  • Underbarrel: Vertical Foregrip
  • Magazine: Extended Mag 1
  • Rear Grip: Commando Grip
  • Stock: Heavy Stock
  • Fire Mods: Recoil Springs

Using the Gunfighter Wildcard, you’ll be able to deck out the Model L with a whopping eight attachments. While the Model L is competitive out of the box, it’s hard to argue against the build opportunities available here, allowing this late-game assault rifle to hold its own no matter the situation.

With eight attachment slots, you’re free to put on an optic without worrying about ‘wasting’ a slot. Given the Model L excels at mid-ranges, it certainly comes in handy, too. The Kepler Microflex is my personal favourite, though the Merlin Reflex, Merlin Mini, and Volzhskiy Reflex all work well.

The Model L hits hard and, naturally, it comes with quite a kick. Paired with the slow rate of fire, you can’t afford to miss shots. Don’t worry though, the main priority of this Model L build is to rein in the recoil so that you can actually land your shots at range. The Compensator, Vertical Foregrip, and Recoil Springs are the obvious choices here. The Compensator focuses on vertical recoil control while the Vertical Foregrip improves horizontal recoil control. The Recoil Springs further improve both stats with no drawbacks. Now, you’ve got a high-damage laser beam that makes it a breeze to land headshots no matter the range.

Since Model L already boasts a great range stat, the meta Long Barrel is rather redundant. Instead, the Reinforced Barrel works best here as it improves bullet velocity by 20% while also improving range slightly. If the CHF Barrel is tempting you with its increased headshot multiplier, keep in mind the heavy recoil penalties and little impact on time-to-kill.

As mentioned, you can’t afford to miss shots with the Model L. While the movement improvements of the other stock options are hard to turn down, it’s worth making an exception and opting for the Heavy Stock. By increasing your flinch resistance, you will be able to stay on target under fire. However, the Combat Stock is a good middle ground if you find the Heavy Stock to be too sluggish.

While the Model L isn’t quite as nimble as the AS Val, you will undoubtedly end up in a close-range skirmish - especially with the… messy spawn system and small maps. This is where the Commando Grip comes in, which improves aim down sight and sprint to fire speed for better overall handling.

For the final slot, I recommend picking Extended Mag 1. This increases the magazine capacity to 40 with only a slight hit to reload speed and without any of the movement penalties of Extended Mag 2.

Model L Class Setup

(Image credit: Activision)

The recommended class setup for the Model L is:

  • Secondary: Grekhova
  • Tactical: Stim Shot
  • Lethal: Semtex/Impact Grenade
  • Field Upgrade: Trophy System/Scrambler
  • Perk 1: Gung-Ho
  • Perk 2: Assassin
  • Perk 3: Bankroll
  • Specialty: Enforcer
  • Wildcard: Gunfighter

The Grekhova makes a great secondary for the Model L as its rapid rate of fire will save you in a pinch when things get messy. However, it’s also useful to swap to the CIGMA 2B launcher on objective-based modes to take down enemy Scorestreaks like UAV and Counter UAV.

As always, your Field Upgrade is best left to personal preference. With that said, the Assault Pack and Trophy System pair well with the Model L’s ability to hold down a lane when needed.

The Stim Shot Tactical is a great choice in many loadouts simply due to the ability to trigger health regeneration when you need it. You’d be surprised just how often this can turn the tide of a shootout. On the other hand, Semtex and Impact Grenades are the perfect balance between damage and blast radius, making them the go-to picks for the Lethal slot.

With its bonuses to movement speed and health regeneration after a kill, it should be no surprise that the Enforcer (red) perk specialty is the best (and most selfish) option there is. To activate this bonus, however, you will need three Enforcer perks, which certainly limits your options.

In slot one, I recommend Gung-Ho for improved speed while reloading as there’s nothing worse than being caught off guard with an unloaded gun. Dexterity is another good option in this slot if you’re a particularly aggressive player making use of omni-movement frequently.

Unfortunately, the second slot is significantly less competitive when it comes to Enforcer perks. Assassin is effectively the only option here as Bruiser is a melee-focused perk, though that’s not to say it’s not a good perk. With Assassin, enemies drop Bounty Packs that provide bonus Score towards your Scorestreaks. It’s a great way to get the ball rolling, especially if you use UAV and Counter UAV streaks.

Pairing perfectly with Assassin is Bankroll. This perk gives you a free +150 score each life, meaning you only need a handful of points to get handy recon streaks in the air (which will also help your team).

Whether you’re taking on the challenge of the Black Ops 6 Mastery Camo grind or simply wanting to improve your KD, you can’t go wrong with this Model L build.

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