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Redmagic Titan 16 Pro: A legend awakens

A 16-inch gaming laptop needs to come with cutting-edge components and razor-sharp design, and Redmagic's new Titan 16 Pro ticks all the boxes. You may already know Redmagic from its range of gaming phones, which now feature the potent Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, and the company is taking a similar top-end approach to making a gaming laptop.

Inside the all-metal, precision-carved chassis you'll find an Intel Core i9-14900HX CPU and the 140W Nvidia RTX 4060 GPU. Together with 16GB of 5600MHz DDR5 RAM, these components push the 16-inch 1600p screen to a refresh rate as high as 240Hz. 

(Image credit: Redmagic)

The Redmagic Titan 16 Pro's stylish body hides some impressive cooling. Created from aviation-grade aluminium with a glass touch panel, and with an anti-fingerprint coating to keep those annoying smudges at bay, it contains four heatpipes and two custom 4500 RPM fans to effectively funnel heat away from the important components. The cooling system's high air volume and pressure helps prevent any reduction in performance from overheating, while the precision liquid crystal polymer fan blades reduce noise levels. 

It's all meticulously put together, from the screw posts to the way the components have been laid out to help ensure stability and reliability. The work that has gone into making the laptop look good can be most easily appreciated in the folding section that bridges screen and body, with the two beautifully made hinges spaced well apart, leaving a gap that makes the screen appear to float above the chassis.

Your attention will be fixed on the screen itself, however. The Redmagic Titan 16 Pro uses a 16-inch panel from BOE, one of the world's largest display manufacturers, and thanks to its high refresh rate and speedy response time, it easily keeps up with fast-paced esports shooters and other games that require split-second reactions. With a Dolby Vision certification and a maximum brightness of 500 nits, you're going to see everything in highly saturated colour, rendering games and movies with a true-to-life clarity, something enhanced by not only the RTX graphics card's DLSS 3.5 frame generation tech, but Redmagic's Ultra HD Live algorithm, which enhances picture detail and reduces distortion. If you want to hook the Redmagic Titan 16 Pro up to an external monitor, there's a full-size HDMI 2.1 port ready for you. Redmagic offers performance tuning and personalised configurations of the four-zone RGB lighting system, so you can really make the Titan Pro 16 your own.

(Image credit: Redmagic)

And if you want to hook the laptop up to more than just a bigger screen, there are plenty of options waiting for you. Best of all is the Thunderbolt 4 port, which also supports 100W Power Delivery. There's a 10Gb USB 3 port too, waiting for fast external storage should your gaming library take up too much space on the internal SSD (there's an extra M.2 slot available inside too), and Wi-Fi 6E and gigabit Ethernet ready for fast internet access. It's a well-rounded connectivity package that neatly complements the gaming potential of the laptop, and is taken further thanks to features such as an FHD camera that supports Windows Hello, plus DTS-X ultra immersive audio.

But it's not only gamers who are going to find the Redmagic Titan Pro 16 an attractive prospect. With a screen capable of displaying 100% of the DCI-P3 colour gamut favoured by video editors, content creators and streamers will find much to like about the laptop. A 16-inch screen on a portable is an excellent choice for mobile video editing, and the Thunderbolt 4 port will ease the process of getting video footage onto the machine ready to be edited. Multitasking between creative apps is easy thanks to the 24 cores available on the CPU, while video and generative AI effects can all be accelerated by the Nvidia GPU.

(Image credit: Redmagic)

So if you're looking to upgrade from a gaming laptop that's starting to show its age, or want to experience PC gaming for the first time, the Redmagic Titan Pro 16 could be the laptop for you, with top-tier technological innovation at a reasonable price.

Get ready for the unveiling of the Redmagic Titan 16 Pro on August 29. US customers will be able to grab one then, with the international launch coming after. Limited units will be available for purchase at United States, Mexico, and European Union members' redmagic.gg stores. Get ready to witness the rise of a new gaming legend.

Users can secure their spot with a limited daily offer available at redmagic.gg by making a $99 deposit. Early access to the Redmagic Titan 16 Pro can be obtained, along with free accessories valued at up to $199. The daily offer is available from August 22 to 29 with limited availability.

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