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Mike Tyson vs Marvis Frazier (Full fight) 1986-07-26

Mike Tyson vs Marvis Frazier (Full fight) 1986-07-26


On July 26, 1986, the boxing world witnessed a monumental clash between two heavyweights, Mike Tyson and Marvis Frazier. The bout took place at the Civic Center in Glens Falls, New York, and it was a highly anticipated fight, primarily due to Tyson's rapidly rising star in the boxing world and Frazier's own notable pedigree as the son of former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier.

Mike Tyson, at the tender age of 20, was already building a reputation as a fearsome knockout artist. With an undefeated record of 24-0, with 22 of those wins coming by knockout, Tyson's prowess in the ring was indisputable. His style was characterized by relentless aggression, powerful punches, and an intimidating presence that often had opponents mentally defeated before the first bell rang.

Marvis Frazier, on the other hand, entered the ring with a record of 16-1. Although he had a respectable career, Marvis had always been under the shadow of his illustrious father, Joe Frazier. Marvis was known for his quickness and boxing skills, but his relatively slim build for a heavyweight and his previous knockout loss to Larry Holmes had some critics doubting his ability to withstand Tyson's ferocity.

From the opening bell, it was clear that Tyson was intent on making a statement. He charged out of his corner with a ferocity that was palpable. Frazier, attempting to establish his jab, was immediately put on the back foot by Tyson's aggressive onslaught. Within the first few seconds, Tyson unleashed a barrage of powerful hooks and uppercuts, driving Frazier into the ropes.

Tyson's ability to close the distance quickly and deliver powerful combinations was on full display. Frazier tried to cover up and withstand the storm, but Tyson's punches were relentless. After only 20 seconds into the fight, Tyson landed a devastating uppercut that snapped Frazier's head back, followed by a right hook that sent Frazier to the canvas.

Frazier bravely attempted to rise, but Tyson was not done. As soon as the referee allowed the fight to continue, Tyson rushed in with another brutal combination, culminating in another powerful right uppercut that knocked Frazier out cold. The referee immediately stepped in to stop the fight, declaring Tyson the winner by knockout at just 30 seconds into the first round.

The fight was a stark demonstration of Tyson's destructive power and his ability to overwhelm opponents with sheer aggression and skill. This victory marked Tyson's 25th consecutive win and his 23rd knockout, further cementing his status as a future heavyweight champion. Tyson's performance was so dominant that it sent shockwaves through the boxing community, with many pundits and fans proclaiming him as the next big thing in the heavyweight division.

For Marvis Frazier, the fight was a harsh lesson in the brutal realities of heavyweight boxing. Despite his courage and determination, he was simply no match for Tyson's explosive power and relentless pressure. The defeat was a major setback for Frazier, who never fully recovered from the loss in terms of his boxing career.

Mike Tyson's victory over Marvis Frazier was not just another win; it was a clear message to the boxing world that a new era was dawning. Tyson's ability to demolish a competent opponent in such a short span of time showcased his exceptional talent and hinted at the dominance he would soon bring to the heavyweight division.

The Tyson vs. Frazier fight remains a memorable event in boxing history, often cited as one of the most brutal and decisive victories in Tyson's career. It exemplified the raw power and aggressive style that made Mike Tyson one of the most feared and respected fighters in the history of the sport. This bout was a crucial stepping stone on Tyson's path to becoming the youngest heavyweight champion in history, a record that still stands to this day.

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