Laal Singh Chaddha Trailer Out: The trailer of Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor film was released during the IPL final match in Ahmedabad. The much-awaited film Lal Singh Chaddha is due to hit cinema screens on 20 May 2022. The trailer of this movie is getting very good response from the fans and that too from Amir Khan. This time again we have brought an emotional movie of Amir Khan which will make you emotional. Dangal is based on the story of Common Wealth Champion Geeta and Babita Phogat. The best part of this movie was the transformation of Amir Khan. Dangal has broken a lot of box office records at the box office so far. Aamir Khan's film 3 Idiots was the first film to earn 200 crores at the box office. His film PK, which came in the year 2014, collected more than 300 crores .let's see Lal Singh Chaddha will break the record and how much the movie will make an impact on the fans.