The year 2024 has been very tough for Salman Khan. The actor has been receiving constant death threats, mainly by the Bishnoi gang (the members have often claimed the same). The actor and his house/family have been provided with tight security numerous times. As the year begins, it looks like Khan and his family again need protection as the security outside his Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai is beefed up again. A video of the same has gone viral on social media.
In the video, we see tight security outside Salman Khan's house. A few workers were installing some gadgets outside his house. Are these CCTV cameras? We don't know. But it looks like the officials want to take no risk and provide the superstar with maximum security. Viral Bhayani, a paparazzo, shared the video on his Instagram page.
Viral captioned it, "Security Upgrades at Galaxy Apartments (Salman Khan's Residence). Amid recent unfortunate incidents and unidentified threats, Salman Khan has taken serious measures to enhance the security around his house, ensuring the safety of his residence and its surroundings."
Meanwhile, last year in April, a few bullets were fired outside Salman Khan's house early in the morning by two men on bikes. The Bishnoi gang took its responsibility. Later in October, the actor's very good friend and politician Baba Siddiqui was shot dead in Mumbai. Yet again, the Bishnoi gang claimed its responsibility and warned those who would help the superstar.
On the work front, Salman will be next seen in Sikandar. Directed by AR Murugadoss, the action thriller also stars Rashmika Mandanna and will hit theatres on Eid 2025. The teaser for the same was released on his 59th birthday in December 2024.