Niharika Dutt Exclusive: In an exclusive chat, actress Niharika Dutt, who starred alongside Ananya Panday in the popular series Call Me Bae, shares exciting details in a fun rapid-fire round. Niharika recommends three must-watch OTT series, web series, and movies, giving fans a glimpse into her personal favorites. During the conversation, she reveals her dream collaborations, expressing her desire to work with talented actors like Vicky Kaushal and Vijay Sethupathi, showcasing her admiration for their craft. Niharika also gets candid about her beauty essentials, sharing that kajal is her go-to makeup product and an absolute must-have in her routine.Known for her charm and relatable persona, Niharika's insights reflect her evolving journey in the entertainment industry. Her warm personality and candid responses make her a delight to watch and follow. Fans are sure to enjoy this engaging interview as she talks about her aspirations, favorites, and future plans in the world of cinema.