Ram Gopal Varma is one director who never minces his words. In a latest interaction, the filmmaker has shared his thoughts on comparisons between Sridevi and her daughter Janhvi Kapoor. Often, fans or some celebrities say how Janhvi sometimes reminds them of the late actress. However, RGV doesn't think the same. In fact, he also stated he has no intention of working with the Dhadak actress.
On his channel, the Satya director said that he doesn't see Sridevi in Janhvi yet. The director, who worked with the late actress in Kshana Kshanam and Govindha Govindha, said that his admiration for Sridevi grew over the years because of her talent. "Be it Padaharella Vayasu or Vasanta Kokila, she delivered a range of performances. In fact, seeing her perform, I forgot that I was a filmmaker and started seeing her as an audience. That is the range," Varma said.
Further in this entertainment news, RGV was asked if he has an interest in working with Janhvi Kapoor? Ram Gopal Varma straight up said that he liked the mother right and not the daughter. Varma stated that in his career, he has not developed a connection with several actors and hence, he has no intention of working with Janhvi Kapoor. Earlier, Janhvi's Devara co-star Jr NTR has stated how the actress reminded him of the Mr India actress while filming one of the scenes. We wonder what Kapoor has to say about RGV's statements.
On the work front, Ram Gopal Varma had a special appearance in Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas, and Deepika Padukone's Kalki 2898 AD. The director will next collaborate with his Satya star Manoj Bajpayee. On the other hand, Janhvi Kapoor's next two romantic comedies are Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari and Param Sundari.