The trailer of Ram Charan's most-anticipated movie Game Changer is out now. The actor, who became a pan-Indian star with the success of of RRR, is all set to enthral fans once again with his swag. The trailer was released by Ram Charan on social media late last evening and it has already caught the attention of the masses. Directed by Shankar, Game Changer is a pan-India movie and is set to release in multiple languages including Hindi.
In Game Changer, Ram Charan is set to play a dual role. The trailer reveals that he will be seen in father-son role and deliver a high-octane performance. The trailer has him in the avatar of an IAS officer who has decided to fight against corruption. He calls for a war with the corrupt Chief Minister. Kiara Advani plays his love interest in Game Changer. She looks beautiful on screen and her chemistry with Ram is also impressive. As the fight between IAS officer and Chief Minister intensifies, Ram Charan's swag draws attention. Through the trailer, fans get to see Ram Charan in multiple looks. In the end, we see Ram Charan dressed in a lungi. It seems to be a fight sequence as Ram is on a helicopter and holding a sword. His one-liners from the film have already gone viral. One of the lines has him saying, 'I am unpredictable'. The trailer has made it to the headlines in entertainment news.
Here's what fans have to say about Game Changer trailer:
A man Born to Shine
His son set to redefine...#GameChanger @AlwaysRamCharan
Mohit ? (@AlwaysMohit) January 2, 2025
#GameChangerTrailer is next level! You can see the hard work and vision of @shankarshanmugh Sir and team. Can't wait to watch Ram Charan Garu on the big screen ?
Best wishes to Global Star @AlwaysRamCharan Garu and the entire #GameChanger team for a huge success, from
Actor Vijay Team (@ActorVijayTeam) January 2, 2025
The only word that striking in my mind..
Bhanu (@OGeditss) January 2, 2025
Game Changer is going to release on January 10, 2025. The trailer promises that the movie is a complete package that has romance, action, thrill, a strong vigilante and much more.