Rupali Ganguly starrer Anupamaa is in the news. There have been so many controversies associated with the show in 2024. We recently saw that the show took a leap after which new actors like Shivam Khajuria, Alisha Parveen entered the show. They played the lead couple. However, Alisha was replaced overnight recently. This news came as a shock for everyone and for Alisha as well. She took to Instagram and said that she was removed without letting her know the reason. A few days later Rajan Shahi told her that her performance was not good. Later, Adrija Roy replaced Alisha in the show.
This became a huge thing and people started slamming the makers for removing Alisha. They even blamed Rupali Ganguly for being the reason behind her removal. Earlier, many of the actors like Nidhi Shah, Paras Kalnawat, Sudhanshu Pandey, Madalsa Sharma have directly and indirectly said that they left because of Rupali and their scenes were cut many times because of her.
Rajan Shahi recently refused to speak about why he removed Alisha. Now, a video is circulating on social media which shows Rupali has been replaced in the serial. Sambhavna Seth is replacing her. In the video, Sambhavna is seen dressed like Anupamaa and is talking to the paparazzi. People have commented that the Bigg Boss 2 star is replacing Rupali.
But, the truth is that it is an old video of Sambhavna shooting for something. She is not replacing Rupali in Anupamaa.
Well, this video came as a shock for Rupali fans but the actress is not leaving and this can never happen as she has been the face of the show and people love her for her performance.