Bollywood's most adored couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh embraced parenthood in September 2024. The two welcomed their little daughter Dua and the family shared a special glimpse of her first Christmas celebration. It was the first Christmas celebration with their daughter Dua and fabs are beaming with joy. The parents gifted a cute little gift for their baby.
Taking to her Instagram handle, Deepika shared a special picture from their Christmas celebration. She shared a close-up image of their beautifully decorated Christmas tree and the picture was giving a festive vibe.
In the picture, there was sparkling lights, red balls, and other small hangings on the Christmas tree. The actress also put up three transparent baubles and tied them with classic red and black ribbon. The tree also had dried flower decorations. She captioned the post as, '? ? My heart is full ? ?
@ranveersingh #gratitude'.
The best part of the post was the transparent baubles were personalized for her small family with their names Ranveer, Deepika and Dua written on them in golden letters. This small gesture added a new spark to the celebration and showcased the bond that they share. The post immediately caught the attention of netizens who wished them the festival. One fan wrote, 'This year's tree is special and decorated with three names; God bless you all three'. Another said, 'This Christmas is special for you, Deepika. Enjoy it with your little family. God gifted you with the best gift'. The fans requested the actress to share a family picture or picture of Dua. They wrote, 'Can't wait to see Dua'. Another said, 'This must be such a special one. Wishing you so much love and joy to the three of you'.
Deepika and Ranveer dated for six years before they tied the knot in November 2018 at Lake Como, Italy. They welcomed their daughter, Dua, on September 8, 2024.