Salman Khan celebrates his birthday on 27th December. The actor will turn 59 this year. Generally, Salman Khan's birthday celebrations last for days. They get extended to the New Year with their entire family being in Panvel Farm House. As he is the host of Bigg Boss, the contestants too make it special for him. This year is not going to be any different. On Bigg Boss 18, we shall see some special celebrations and events taking place to celebrate Salman Khan's birthday.
As per reports in entertainment news, Salman Khan's family is going to show up on Bigg Boss 18 to celebrate his special day. Nephews Arhaan, Nirvaan and Ahil will be there on the sets of Bigg Boss 18. Brother Sohail Khan too is expected to show up over the Weekend Ka Vaar that will be all about Salman Khan's birthday celebrations. Contestants Karan Veer Mehra, Avinash Mishra, Vivian Dsena, Shilpa Shirodkar and all others are reportedly going to prepare a performance for the host. They are reportedly going to dance on Salman Khan's songs paying him a tribute. Karan and Avinash will reportedly be leading this performance. Apart from this, 27th December is going to be huge as the first look of Salman Khan's upcoming movie Sikandar is going to be unveiled.
#WeekendKaVaar Updates- Salman Khan Special Episode
Bigg Boss 18 contestants to give TRIBUTE to host Salman Khan on his birthday.
They will dance to Salman's most popular songs.
Karan Veer Mehra and Avinash Mishra to lead the performances.
Salman's family to make appearances
#BiggBoss_Tak? (@BiggBoss_Tak) December 26, 2024
This year has been a rollercoaster ride for Salman Khan. From all the threats from Lawrence Bishnoi to shooting outside his home, he has had a tough time. Going by a report in TV9 Hindi, keeping all of it in mind, the police is ensuring that his birthday celebrations remain smooth. A lot of crowd gathers outside Salman Khan's home on this special day. The report states that the police have put barricades outside his home to ensure security. Plus, fans are not going to be allowed to stand on the footpath near his home.