Varun Dhawan is happily married to his sweetheart, Natasha Dalal. The couple dated for many years before tying the knot in 2021. The couple welcomed their first child this year. The actor recently spoke about his married life and what Natasha thinks of his female co-stars. The Baby John star was asked if his wife feels insecure about actresses and the actor gave an honest answer. So, what exactly did Varun say? Keep reading further.
On Shubhankar Mishra's YouTube channel, Varun Dhawan was asked if Natasha Dalal is comfortable with the limelight. The actor said that his wife doesn't care. In fact, Natasha tells Varun to keep her away from the limelight and doesn't like it when he talks about her in interviews. When asked if his wife doubts him, Varun answered that Natasha knows how she is and knows him inside out. She knows that the actor is going to be back home.
Further in this entertainment news, Varun Dhawan also said that he doesn't have any interest in anything else. He talks to someone nicely and will have fun with them and has no interest in anything else. When asked if she feels insecure about other actresses, Varun said, "But I think this equation is necessary between husband and wife. You can lie that after marriage you don't even look at anyone else. But when I discuss it with my wife, I tell her, 'This girl is so pretty, don't you think?' This much dialogue you have to have with your wife."