Pushpa 2: The Rule star Allu Arjun has been going through a lot. He has been facing a lot of criticism after the Sandhya Theatre, Hyderabad stampede. A woman lost her life in the stampede and Allu Arjun has been blamed for the entire scene. However, the actor's lawyer said that he was there just for the screening. But the actor was arrested and we saw a whole controversy happening. He said that he has been looking after the woman's kid who is in the hospital. However, some political figures spoke against him and criticised him for not looking after the victim's family. Decisions like not letting actors visit theatres during releases were made.
Allu Arjun then held a press conference and said that a lot of misinformation has been spread about him and his character is being assassinated. Yesterday, another horrific incident happened when a group of people were attacking the Pushpa 2: The Rule actor's Jubilee Hills residence in Hyderabad. They were pelting stones at his residence and burnt his statues.
They demanded that he should pay Rs 1 crore to the victim's family. This incident left everyone shocked. The protesters, were identified as members of the Osmania University Joint Action Committee (OU-JAC). They damaged his house property.
After this attacks, Allu Arjun's kids Ayaan and Arha had to leave the house. They were taken out so that they remain safe from all these attacks. A video has gone viral where his kids are seen leaving the house with some family members.
AA Is Not There In Home
Ayaan & Arha Went To Their GrandFather's Home
?#StopCheapPoliticsOnALLUARJUN pic.twitter.com/aTu9qW7CJW
C/o.AlluArjun (@CareOfAlluArjun) December 22, 2024
Allu Arjun's kids (Arha & Ayaan) whisked away from the house after attacks today! pic.twitter.com/iu5N5UFZ3Q
idlebrain.com (@idlebraindotcom) December 22, 2024
Allu Arjun has not spoken about this yet but his father, Allu Aravind has opened up about the incident. He spoke to the media and said that said that everyone has seen what happened at their house but it is time for them to act accordingly. The actor's father further added that right now is not the right time for them to react to anything. He revealed that the police have arrested the vandalisers and have filed a case against them.