Pushpa 2: The Rule actor Allu Arjun is going through a tough time. We have seen how the Sandhya theatre, Hyderabad stampede became a big issue. The actor was blamed for the stampede and was arrested as well. This came as a big shock and everyone supported Allu Arjun. His friends and family members came out in his support as he has nothing to do with the woman who died in the stampede. His lawyer said that he was just there for the screening and he is not involved in the stampede. The actor received bail soon but he had to spend the night in the jail.
Allu Arjun has said that he has been checking on the late woman's kid who is in the hospital in a serious condition. But, even after that a lot has been said about him by some political figures. He had the press conference yesterday where he addressed all the misinformation being spread about him by some. He also said that his character is being assassinated.
Now, the Pushpa 2: The Rule actor has landed in trouble again. A video is going viral on social media where some unidentified individuals pelted stones at Allu Arjun's residence. A group of people attacking Arjun's Jubilee Hills residence in Hyderabad is seen in the video.
They were seen chanting slogans, while pelting stones. They climbed up the compound walls of the actor and were screaming as well. In another video, we also see his effigy being burnt and protestors were demanding justice for the woman who lost her life in the stampede.
BREAKING: Stones PELTED at Allu Arjun's house? pic.twitter.com/tO4fAAPB26
Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) December 22, 2024
SHOCKING: Allu Arjun effigy? pic.twitter.com/FVw93seNK0
Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) December 22, 2024
Just recently, Allu Arjun took to X to share a statement where he warned his fans to not behaved inappropriately. He wrote, "I appeal to all my fans to express their feelings responsibly, as always and not resort to any kind of abusive language or behavior both online and offline. Misrepresenting as my fans with fake IDs and fake profiles, if someone indulges in abusive posts, strong action will be taken against them. I request the fans to not engage with such posts."