Gadar director Anil Sharma recently revealed that he was one of the only people in the film industry who did not replace Priyanka Chopra from his film after her nose surgery went wrong. In an interview, the director said that he helped get Priyanka's career back on track, as she was about to leave Mumbai after the mishap.
In an interview with Siddharth Kannan on his YouTube channel, Anil said that he initially thought that it was an elective surgery that Priyanka has done 'look like Julia Roberts'. He said, 'I read somewhere that she did so to look like Julia Roberts so I scolded her also. Then I got to know the truth that this wasn't the case. She had an issue with her nose, it was a medical operation that went bad so it wasn't her fault'.
Anil spoke about the after-effect of the surgery wherein Priyanka was fired from multiple projects. The actress was in the process of returning token amounts and had made plans to leave Mumbai for a year. Priyanka decided to move to Bareily and receive. But, in the nick of time, Anil stopped her. He said that he could already see her potential and decided to work with her.
He continued saying, 'At that time, I had already given her a token of Rs 5 lakh. She came with the cheque. She said I have been fired and now I am moving back to Bareilly. They said they were waiting to give my money back. I said you keep the money and I scolded her a bit. She then told me what actually happened with her nose'.
He further added saying, 'She said my father is already back in Bareilly and has rejoined his duty in the army. Her mother said she will also resume her practice. They thought it will take some time for Priyanka to heal so they will come back after a year or so. They were paying so much rent here and they were regular people, not like Ambanis. I told them to stop'.
He also called a veteran makeup artist who worked at YRF and told him to help with Priyanka Chopra's nose. After he was done, they worked on her costumes with Neeta Lulla and Anil took a screen test. He concluded saying, 'Then I sent that CD and everyone was like 'Who is this girl?' It was her luck. Her nose operation going wrong wasn't her fault and if we can correct it, why shouldn't we?' Priyanka worked with Anil Sharma's The Hero- Love Story of a Spy starring Sunny Deol and Preity Zinta.