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The best community clips from The Finals Season 5

The Finals Season 5 is here just in time for the holiday period and alongside a number of aesthetic festive updates and a brand new map, there are a few new weapons and gadgets to play around with too. The ShAK-50 is a hard-hitting assault rifle tailored for the Heavy class, while the Cerberus 12GA is a triple-barrel shotgun fit for Medium players.

Meanwhile, the Gravity Vortex is a Light class gadget that is essentially a mini black hole, vacuuming everything in the vicinity to its center, while the Lockbolt Launcher is a Heavy class-exclusive gadget that fires a projectile. This latches onto the environment and ensnares up to three targets simultaneously.

We're a few days into Season 5 and the community have been cooking up some seriously impressive—and some hilarious—clips, so I've collated some of the best to feature in these highlights.

Sooo gravity vortex? from r/thefinals

Kicking things off is Reddit user Cellularnuke, who has an early contender for one of the best gravity vortex plays of the season. Reading the flow of the game perfectly, they use their best throwing arm to land a gravity vortex in mid-air, right where two enemies are about to fly through the air in pursuit of the objective. They're caught for a few seconds, completely unaware as to what's happening, before being dropped into the abyss below. Unlucky.

Newton's First claims yet another soul from r/thefinals

A similar play, but this time with the Lockbolt, comes courtesy of /u/Lad_of_the_Lake. Again, with a full understanding of exactly where the opponents are going to be coming from, Lad bides their time with the Lockbolt Launcher equipped. As soon as they round the corner with the cash box in hand, they're pulled back by the tether from the projectile, and plummet to their death.

Teamwipes like this make the lockbolt worth it! from r/thefinals

To round off the plays with the new gadgets, we have slipchips. Much like Lad, they fire their Lockbolt projectile right next to a launch pad so the enemies can't get enough airtime, and while this takes out two of an enemy team, the third manages to get through just in time. That doesn't stop slipchips though as they give the foe the ol' runaround, getting behind them and punting them off the map with the Heavy Charge 'n' Slam ability.

no matter the meta, charge 'n slam heavy reigns supreme from r/thefinals

Speaking of Charge 'n' Slam, /u/fatcatpoppy is a huge fan of the classic playstyle as they perch at the very top of the map, waiting for the enemies to try and steal the cashout. When they eventually do, fatcatpoppy plunges to the ground and slams, killing two enemies in one before finishing off the third with their gun, not to mention completely destroying the building.

Straight out of an action movie. Only in THE FINALS! from r/thefinals

On the opposite end of the destruction-causing spectrum we have /u/Delicious_Option4914, armed with a cash box and a dream. This clip needs to be watched to be believed, because their talent at avoiding enemies and securing the bag is commendable. They dodge flames, bullets, falling debris, goo, and more to start the cash out, then still manage to escape out of a window with their life. As they say, it's "straight out of an action movie".

????Just Solo’d a Cashout no biggie???? from r/thefinals

Another wildly impressive solo play comes courtesy of /u/Mysterious-Sugar-351. The start of the clip sees them steal a cash out all by themselves with some handy smoke grenade cover which is impressive in and of itself, but then they stay alive for almost two straight minutes—as a Light build no less, so they have less health than normal—and they grab numerous kills in the process. It culminates in securing the cash out, without much help from their teammates…

How to use plant pot from r/thefinals

Finally, we have /u/DarKCroX, who utilises a tool that wasn't in the Season 5 patch notes but has still rarely been seen before: the trusty plant pot. This is over quickly and while they don't achieve any kills, they manage the most important thing, which is securing the steal by literally hiding behind a plant. It's unorthodox, but very smoothly done.

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