On December 2, 2024, Vikrant Massey shocked everyone with his Instagram post. The actor hinted that 2025 would be the last time when the audience would get to see him on screen. Since then, many reports have stated the actor is taking retirement. Even the fans of The Sabarmati Report actor were baffled as to why the actor is quitting the film industry at the peak of his career.
Ever since Vikrant Massey's post went viral, many wanted to know if he was really leaving the film industry. However, it turns out that Vikrant has no plans to do the same. The actor has clarified in an interview that he is not going anywhere from the filmy world. So what was the intention behind the same? Keep reading this entertainment news further.
In an interview with News18, A Death in the Gunj star cleared that he is not retiring. The reason he won't be seen in movies soon post 2025 is because he is burnt out. "Need a long break. Miss home and health are also acting up... People misread it (the social media post)," said the 12th Fail star.
Well, this news will make Vikrant fans happy for sure. A few hours ago, Massey posted photos from a special screening of The Sabarmati Report which was attended by Indian PM Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. The actor wrote, "A day to remember for the rest of my life. Eternally grateful to the Hon. Prime Minister @narendramodi Ji for sparing the time to watch our movie. Your words of appreciation shall never be forgotten."
Meanwhile, the post that hinted at retirement reads, "Hello, The last few years and beyond have been phenomenal. I thank each and every one of you for your indelible support. But as I move forward, I realise it's time to recalibrate and go back home. As a Husband, Father & a Son. And also as an Actor. So, coming 2025, we would meet each other for one last time. Until time deems right. Last 2 movies and many a years of memories. Thank you again. For everything and everything in between. Forever indebted."