Suriya's Kanguva is one of the most expensive Indian films, reportedly made on a budget of around Rs 350 crore. The film failed at the box office and left the makers disappointed. The reincarnation drama has managed to cross the Rs 100-crore mark at the global box office after 12 days. In India, Kanguva has earned Rs 67.50 crore net.
Producer G Dhananjeyan has defended the movie and said that the Suriya-starrer Kanguva has failed due to two fandoms in Kollywood and two political parties in Tamil Nadu. He even said that they continuously target the actor with negative comments about Kanguva on social media. As per a report in, Dhananjeyan told the YouTube channel Aagayam Tamil, 'Back in 2014, I mentioned that two fandoms were targeting Suriya completely. There was a perception that these fandoms didn't want Suriya to reach the next level. Whenever I tweet something related to Suriya or Kanguva, I see these two fandoms posting negative comments and trolls. Particularly, I see one fandom hating Suriya extremely. I don't know why they troll Suriya to such an extent. Even if I post something philosophically, I see hate comments coming from people who keep that hero's image as the profile picture. I don't want to name them. To be frank, the positions of these two heroes are untouchable in the industry'.
The producer also continued added saying, 'Now, along with these two fandoms, two political parties have started spreading negativity about Kanguva. Once, Suriya made some comments about NEET and education policies. It seems his words didn't sit well with the two political parties. Hence, they targeted the film and the actor'.
Kanguva also starred Bobby Deol and Disha Patani in main roles. The film is directed by Siva and the movie was flopped due to its weak screenplay, poor script, boring story and more reasons.