Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are doting parents to two children: Vamika and Akaay. Often, the duo has been spotted with Vamika, but they are not okay with their daughter's photos and videos going viral online. This year, they welcomed their second child, Akaay, and have made sure his photos or videos stay away from the media. However, a few photos have been going viral for quite some time, which netizens believe are of their son.
The photos that are going viral online are from India and Australia's match in Perth. Some photos of a cute baby have taken over the internet, which were shared on social media by some people as Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma's son. But are those really Akaay Kohli's photos? Keep reading further.
We would like to inform our entertainment news reader that the posts going viral claiming it's Akaay are fake. He's not Virat and Anushka's son. Those are pictures of their friend's daughter. The couple is very cautious when it comes to their children's pictures being released on social media and has ensured that the paparazzi do not capture them.
Meanwhile, apart from the matches, Virushka has not been easy to spot together in public for quite some time now. A few weeks ago, a video of them from a keertan went viral online. The couple has been residing for quite some time in London and is particular about stepping out. On the work front, Sharma was last seen in the movie Zero, which was released in 2018. Directed by Aanand L Rai, it also stars Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma. In 2022, she had a special appearance in Triptii Dimri and Babil Khan's Qala. The actress has Chakda Express in her kitty, but there has been no update on the sports biopic for quite sometime now.