South star Naga Chaitanya recently got engaged to Sobhita Dhulipala and is currently enjoying a gala time in Goa with his family as he turned 37 years old. Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala are living the best time of their lives and are all set to get married on December 4. Naga Chaitanya was earlier married to South actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu and this will be his second wedding. Recently, the handsome hunk of South Naga Chaitanya has opened up about his second marriage and shared his excitement.
In an interview with ETimes, Naga Chaitanya spoke his heart out, saying, 'There is definitely a lot of excitement, butterflies not much' (smiles). Butterflies are only because of the planning and logistics involved on those days, like putting the guest list together and putting the other details of the wedding together.
He also added that his wedding with Sobhita Dhulipala will take place at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. He said, 'I connect deeply with her, she understands me beautifully and fills a void in me. It's going to be an amazing journey ahead'.
Naga Chaitanya was asked if Sobhita planned something special for his birthday and he said, 'She leaves all the planning to me, as long as she is there with me that's good enough for me'.
Well, Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya will get engaged in August this year and will walk down the aisle on December 4. Naga Chaitanya parted ways from Samantha in 2021, after four years of marriage.