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Суд удовлетворит в приоритетном порядке требования экс-сотрудников «Гугл»

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Anupamaa: Makers confirm death of a crew member on the set of Rupali Ganguly's show

Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna starrer Anupamaa is the news. The show has always been on the top of the TRP charts but since two weeks, it has been pushed down to the second position. The show has also been through a lot of negativity recently. It was being reported that a lightman lost his life on the sets of the show while he was doing some technical works. He accidently touched some electric wires and was immediately taken to the hospital. But, he lost his life during treatment. The President of Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE), B.N Tiwari said that the makers have been hiding the identity of the deceased and opening up about it. However, they are investigating.

AICWA President Suresh Gupta said that production house have been trying to suppress the matter. They also claim that this was not an accident but an 'institutionalised murder' due to the negligence of the producers. Suresh Gupta even wrote to the CM of Maharashtra to investigate and halt the shoot of the show.

Anupamaa makers confirm death of a crew member

Now, Rajan Shahi and his Directors Kut Production team has shared an official note about this. They have finally confirmed that the tragic death did happen on the sets of the show. Ranjeet Agarwal, the CEO of the production house said that they have been entertaining in the TV industry for the last 18 years catering to the audience in India and abroad with their innovative shows like Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Bidaai, Anupamaa and others.

He added that this would not have been possible without the seamless and harmonious collaboration of over 300 talented and dedicated professionals. They have fostered an ecosystem that nurtures a safe, supportive environment, ensuring respect, dignity, and healthy working conditions for our artists, technicians, and workers.

He also said that they consider each and every member as their family and everyone in the team can say how the production house has been really caring and understanding towards them. He further went on to explain what had happened.

He shared that the accident happened on Nov 14, 2024, during the shooting of Anupamaa in Film City when an apprentice camera attendant, Mr Ajit Kumar was sent by the camera vendor, who mistakenly picked both the light rod and camera together when he was not wearing any footwear and got the electric shock.

The DOP was on the set and it was a human error and the man was taken to the hospital immediately. The production house quickly made arrangement for the family of the deceased to take a flight from Patna to Mumbai. The hospital expenses were also taken care of.

The statement further read, "We remain committed to supporting our team members in such circumstances, as we consider them an integral part of our family. May God bless the noble soul of Late Mr. Ajit Kumar, who went to his heavenly abode. We trust that the statement provided by us, as a responsible Production House, is satisfactory We would like to request rumour mongers with certain vested interests to stop spreading false rumours otherwise, failing which we will take stringent legal action against them as per the law of the land. Besides this, we are in touch with Producers' Bodies namely Producers Guild of India (Guild), Indian Film and Television Producers Council (IFTPC), Indian Motion Picture Producers Association (IMPPA), Indian Film & Television Directors' Association (IFTDA) and mother body Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) and have updated them about the unfortunate incident."

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