Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is quite selective of what and when she posts on social media. But whenever there is any activity happening on her Instagram page, it becomes a topic of discussion amongst her fans online. On November 16, Ash and Abhishek Bachchan's daughter Aaradhya celebrated her birthday. However, the actress took to her Instagram page today to share unseen photos and share her wishes.
In her caption, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan also wished her late father and Aaradhya's grandfather, Krishnaraj Rai. She shared several unseen photos of Mr Rai too, along with some heartwarming pics of her daughter. In the caption, the Josh actress wrote, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 THE ETERNAL LOVE OF MY LIFE dearest Daddy-Ajjaa and my darling Aaradhya MY HEART MY SOUL FOREVER AND BEYOND."
In the comments, fans have shared their reactions to the photos. Some have questioned the absence of other family members, especially Abhishek Bachchan. One comment reads, "No AB family or junior AB in pics !!! Divorce news seems true now !!!" Another comment reads, "News are still rumours coz she didn't remove bachan from her username." A fan commented, "Woah they don't even wish aradhya."
Further in this entertainment news, for quite some time, there have been ongoing rumours of things not being okay between Aishwarya and Abhishek. Some reports even stated that the couple is allegedly heading for a divorce. However, neither of them have confirmed anything yet.
On the work front, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was last seen in the movie Ponniyin Selvan II. The actress' last Hindi film was Fanney Khan, which was released in 2018. Ash has not signed any new movie since so far.